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BayCEER - Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research

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2024-05-22Previously unknown dormouse habitat identified ...more
2024-05-13Diversity in the root zone: the key to stable crop yields? ...more
2024-04-23Mycoheterotrophic plants as a key to the "Wood Wide Web" ...more
2024-04-18How soil microbes survive in harsh desert environments ...more
2024-04-15Dialog Forschung & Praxis zum Fließgewässerschutz ...more
2024-04-08Agro-ecological Modelling: Short Course on DAISY ...more
2024-03-11Mach dir einen Kopf: Kooperations-Erfolge bei "Jugend forscht" ...more
2024-02-19Main FlussFilmFest shorts 2024 - der Auftakt ...more
2024-02-02Vierjähriges Forschungsprojekt im ÖBG zu Silphie und Mais beendet ...more
2024-01-24Lost Diversity: The Evolution of Plant Life Over 5,000 Years ...more
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