Introduction to environmental measurement technology with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
Presenting person: Dr. Stefan Holzheu, Oliver Archner, BayCEER ITMo. 2024-09-30-Tu. 2024-10-01 (09:00-16:00), University of Bayreuth, Dr. Hans-Frisch-Straße 1-3, H7
Arduino and Raspberry Pi can be used in a variety of ways in environmental research. In our two-day workshop, you'll be guided through the foundational skills and knowledge to start your own measuring project. At the end of the workshop, you can implement a simple environmental measurement task with automatic data flow on your own. Please let us know if you want to use a specific sensor.
Target group: Employees and students with a focus on experimental environmental research
Instructors: Dr. Stefan Holzheu, Oliver Archner
Registration: e-Learning
Content: Day I: Arduino hardware, C++ programming, Arduino IDE, IO ports, communication protocols, BayEOS Arduino library. Day II: Advanced microcontroller techniques, data flow with gateway and server, analysis and visualization with R, Arduino data logger, Raspberry Pi measurement platform
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