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Mouse Door Opener Day

Th. 2024-10-03, Ökologisch Botanischer Garten

On October 3, 2024, the SFB 1357 Microplastics together with the Ecological Botanical Garden will again take part in the Mouse Door Opener Day - this time under the motto “Doing it together”.

You are also welcome to promote the CRC microplastics event to friends and family: https://www.wdrmaus.de/tuer_oeffner_tag/2024/index.php5

We are looking forward to 5–10-year-olds who are interested in the topic of microplastics and like to experiment themselves and asking exciting questions. Parents are welcome to explore the ÖBG or our TouchTank or the ongoing field experiment in the Soil Microplastics Observatory while the children are doing their research.

Interested kids can register for the event via this link: https://www.bayceer.uni-bayreuth.de/maus2024/

Date: October 3, 2024 Time: 3 Slots are available 10.00-12-00 | 12.00 -14.00 | 14.00-16.00

By the way, on October 3, the CRC Multitrans will also be opening its doors https://www.wdrmaus.de/tuer_oeffner_tag/2024/index.php5?detail=729706
and there are some more offers around Bayreuth and in Germany there are 585 doors that are open to explore on the 3rd October.

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