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Past Agenda

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DateLocationPresenting personTitle
Th. 2011-12-08 (17:00-18:30)Prof. Dr. Hermann Held, Research Unit Sustainability & Global Change, Departments of Geosciences and Macroeconomics, University of Hamburg / KlimaCampus HamburgBayCEER Colloquium: Optimal Climate Investments under System Uncertainty [Details]
Su. 2011-12-04 (10:00)Ökologisch Botanischer GartenEcological-Botanical Garden: Tropische Nutzpflanzen - selbst ziehen [Details]
Th. 2011-12-01 (18:30)H12Steffen KolbRingvorlesung Molekulare Ökologie: A Peek Into the Black Box - Role of Microbes for Carbon and Nitrogen Flux From and Into Soil [Details]
Th. 2011-12-01 (17:00-18:30)Prof. Dr. Massimo Menenti, Institute of Earth Observation and Space systems (DEOS), Faculty of AeroSpace Engineering, Delft University of TechnologyBayCEER Colloquium: Observation and modeling of land surface state and convective activity over the Qinghai - Tibet Plateau [Details]
Fr. 2011-11-25 (14:00)H8 (GEO)Jürgen KreylingTalk: Ökologische Variabilität von Pflanzenarten innerhalb ihrer Verbreitungsgebiete und ihre Relevanz im Klimawandel
Th. 2011-11-24 (17:00-18:30)Dr. Michael Radke, Dept. of Applied Environmental Science, Stockholm UniversityBayCEER Colloquium: Environmental fate of organic contaminants in the marine environment - the same story as in rivers and lakes? [Details]
We. 2011-11-23 (11:00)S 112, AI-GebäudeDr. Baltasar Trancón y Widemann, Ökologische Modellbildung, UBTTalk: Konzepte der theoretischen Informatik als Leitbilder in der Umweltsystemmodellierung [Details]
Th. 2011-11-17 (17:00-18:30)Dr. Markus Neteler, GIS and Remote Sensing Unit at Fondazione Edmund Mach, ItalyBayCEER Colloquium: Climatic factors driving disease vector invasions in Europe: the tiger mosquito spread and other cases [Details]
Fr. 2011-11-11 (10:00-12:00)Dr. Hans-Frisch-Str. 1-3, Raum B9Vorstellung Sensornetzwerk BayXBee: Smarte Funktechnologie ersetzt kabelgebundene Messtechnik [Details]
Th. 2011-11-10 (17:00-18:30)Prof. Dr. Laurentius A.C.J. Voesenek, Department of Biology, Institute of Environmental Biology, Utrecht University, NLBayCEER Colloquium: Waterproof Plants: escape or quiescence [Details]
We. 2011-11-09 (14:00)H6 (GEO)Dr. Kostas Triantis, Department of Ecology and Taxonomy, National and Kapodistrian University of AthensTalk: Biodiversity patterns on islands: a general dynamic model and the island species–relationship [Details]
Mo. 2011-11-07-Mo. 2011-12-05Online-Wahl DFG Fachkollegien [Details]
Mo. 2011-11-07Projektseminar Wissenschaftskommunikation: Kurier-Leser fragen – Wissenschaftler antworten [Details]
Mo. 2011-11-07 (15:00)B13 (beim NW I)Ganga Ram Maharjan, Agricultural Science and Resource Management, University of BonnTalk: Using the SWAT and Mike Basin Model Approach for Management Scenarios in Indrawati River Basin, Nepal [Details]
Su. 2011-11-06 (11:30)Ausstellungshalle Ökologisch Botanischer GartenCorina GerlachEcological-Botanical Garden: "Tropenzauber" Vernissage zur Ausstellung von Corina Gerlach [Details]
Su. 2011-11-06 (10:00)Ökologisch Botanischer GartenEcological-Botanical Garden: Mit List und Tücke: Pflanzen täuschen [Details]
Fr. 2011-11-04 (11:00)S32 (NW I)Prof. Dr. Laurel Saito, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science, University of NevadaTalk: Investigating aquatic ecosystems of small lakes in Khorezm, Uzbekistan [Details]
Th. 2011-11-03 (17:00-18:30)Prof. Dr. Stefan Peiffer, Geschäftsführender Direktor BayCEERBayCEER Colloquium: BayCEER Mitgliederversammlung [Details]
Sa. 2011-10-29 (18:00)Ökologisch Botanischer GartenEcological-Botanical Garden: Tropische Nacht (Bayreuther Museumsnacht 2011) [Details]
Th. 2011-10-27 (17:00-18:30)Dr. Thomas Karl, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USABayCEER Colloquium: Putting Constraints on the Life Cycle of Reactive Organic Carbon based on Ecosystem Scale Flux Measurements [Details]
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