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Matthias SchottDr.

Matthias Schott

Akademischer Rat
Animal Ecology I

Phone: +49 921 55 2654
Room: NWI,
e-Mail: matthias.schott(at)uni-bayreuth.de

Department of Animal Ecology I

Research interests:

  • Aquatic chemical ecology
  • Machine vision
  • Influence of anthropogenic stressors
  • Non-target analytics

Selected Publications


Sophia Salomon, Eric Grubmüller, Philipp Kropf, Elisa Nickl, Anna Rühl, Selina Weigel, Felix Becker, Ana Leticia Antonio Vital, Christian Laforsch, Matthias Schott, Magdalena Mair: Effects of dissolved organic matter on the toxicity of micro- and nanoplastic particles to Daphnia : a meta-analysis. In: Microplastics and Nanoplastics, 4 (2024). - .

Marvin Kiene, Matthias Schott, Dominik Martin-Creuzburg, Christian Laforsch: Food quantity and quality modulates inducible defenses in a common predator–prey system. In: Limnology and Oceanography, 69 (2024). - S. 1535-1546.

Jacqueline Sahm, Beatrice Brobeil, Eric Grubmüller, Taina Conrad, Matthias Schott, Johannes Stökl, Sandra Steiger: The scent of offspring: chemical profiles of larvae change during development and affect parental behavior in a burying beetle. In: Behavioral Ecology, 35 (2024). - .


Frederic Hüftlein, Dimitri Seidenath, Andreas Mittereder, Thomas Hillenbrand, Dieter Brüggemann, Oliver Otti, Heike Feldhaar, Christian Laforsch, Matthias Schott: Effects of diesel exhaust particles on the health and survival of the buff-tailed bumblebee Bombus terrestris after acute and chronic oral exposure. In: Journal of Hazardous Materials, 458 (2023). - .

Benjamin Silas Gilfedder, Hassan Elagami, Jan-Pascal Boos, Julian Brehm, Matthias Schott, L. Witt, Christian Laforsch, Sven Frei: Filter feeders are key to small microplastic residence times in stratified lakes : A virtual experiment. In: Science of the Total Environment, 890 (2023). - .


Simona Mondellini, Matthias Schott, Martin G. J. Löder, Seema Agarwal, Andreas Greiner, Christian Laforsch: Beyond microplastics : Water soluble synthetic polymers exert sublethal adverse effects in the freshwater cladoceran Daphnia magna. In: Science of the Total Environment, 847 (2022). - .

Julian Brehm, Magdalena V. Wilde, Lukas Reiche, Lisa-Cathrin Leitner, Benedict Petran, Marcel Meinhart, Simon Wieland, Sven Ritschar, Matthias Schott, Jan-Pascal Boos, Sven Frei, Holger Kress, Jürgen Senker, Andreas Greiner, Thomas Fröhlich, Christian Laforsch: In-depth characterization revealed polymer type and chemical content specific effects of microplastic on Dreissena bugensis. In: Journal of Hazardous Materials, 437 (2022). - .

Michael Schwarzer, Julian Brehm, Martina Vollmer, Julia Jasinski, Chengzhang Xu, Shakir Zainuddin, Thomas Fröhlich, Matthias Schott, Andreas Greiner, Thomas Scheibel, Christian Laforsch: Shape, size, and polymer dependent effects of microplastics on Daphnia magna. In: Journal of Hazardous Materials, 426 (2022). - .


Matthias Schott, Maximilian Sandmann, James E. Cresswell, Matthias A. Becher, Gerrit Eichner, Dominique Tobias Brandt, Rayko Halitschke, Stephanie Krueger, Gertrud Morlock, Rolf-Alexander Düring, Andreas Vilcinskas, Marina Doris Meixner, Ralph Büchler, Annely Brandt: Honeybee colonies compensate for pesticide-induced effects on royal jelly composition and brood survival with increased brood production. In: Scientific Reports, 11 (2021). - .


Matthias Schott, Gabriela Bischoff, Gerrit Eichner, Andreas Vilcinskas, Ralph Büchler, Marina Doris Meixner, Annely Brandt: Temporal dynamics of whole body residues of the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid in live or dead honeybees. In: Scientific Reports, 7 (2017). - .

Lara De Backer, Thomas Bawin, Matthias Schott, Laurent Gillard, István E. Markó, Frédéric Francis, François Verheggen: Betraying its presence : identification of the chemical signal released by Tuta absoluta-infested tomato plants that guide generalist predators toward their prey. In: Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 11 (2017). - S. 111-120.


Matthias Schott, Birgit Klein, Andreas Vilcinskas: Detection of Illicit Drugs by Trained Honeybees (Apis mellifera). In: PLoS One, 10 (2015). - .

Dhaka Ram Bhandari, Matthias Schott, Andreas Römpp, Andreas Vilcinskas, Bernhard Spengler: Metabolite localization by atmospheric pressure high-resolution scanning microprobe matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging in whole-body sections and individual organs of the rove beetle Paederus riparius. In: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 407 (2015). - S. 2189-2201.


Christoph Wehrenfennig, Matthias Schott, Tina Gasch, Daniel Meixner, Rolf-Alexander Düring, Andreas Vilcinskas, Claus-Dieter Kohl: An approach to sense pheromone concentration by pre-concentration and gas sensors. In: Physica Status Solidi A, 210 (2013). - S. 932-937.

Tina Gasch, Matthias Schott, Christoph Wehrenfennig, Rolf-Alexander Düring, Andreas Vilcinskas: Multifunctional weaponry : The chemical defenses of earwigs. In: Journal of Insect Physiology, 59 (2013). - S. 1186-1193.

Christoph Wehrenfennig, Matthias Schott, Tina Gasch, Rolf Alexander Düring, Andreas Vilcinskas, Claus-Dieter Kohl: On-site airborne pheromone sensing. In: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 405 (2013). - S. 6389-6403.

Matthias Schott, Christoph Wehrenfennig, Tina Gasch, Rolf-Alexander Düring, Andreas Vilcinskas: A portable gas chromatograph with simultaneous detection by mass spectrometry and electroantennography for the highly sensitive in situ measurement of volatiles. In: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 405 (2013). - S. 7457-7467.


Christoph Wehrenfennig, Matthias Schott, Tina Gasch, Tilman Sauerwald, Rolf-Alexander Düring, Andreas Vilcinskas, Claus-Dieter Kohl: Laboratory characterization of metal-oxide sensors intended for in situ analyses of pheromones : SOMMSA approach. In: Physica Status Solidi A, 209 (2012). - S. 935-939.


Andreas Schierling, Matthias Schott, Konrad Dettner, Karlheinz Seifert: Biosynthesis of the Defensive Alkaloid (Z)-3-(2-Methyl-1-butenyl)pyridine in Stenus similis Beetles. In: Journal of Natural Products, 74 (2011). - S. 2231-2234.

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