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Christiane Werner: Projects

Completed Projects

  • Biochemical link between plant volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions and CO2 metabolism - from sub-molecular to ecosystem scales (ERC)
    Frederik Wegener, Maren Dubbert, Christiane Werner [Details]

  • ECORES: Ecological relevance of carbon isotope fractionation during dark respiration (WE2681/5-1 DFG)
    Christiane Werner, Frederik Wegener [Details]

  • Invasive Species Evaluation, ConTrol & Education. NETwork (EU269206)
    Christiane Werner, Christine Hellmann, Tillmann Buttschardt [Details]

  • Complex Terrain and Ecological Heterogeneity - Evaluating ecosystem services in production versus water yield and water quality in mountainous landscapes - (Terreco Cluster A0-1)
    Bhone Nay Htoon, John Tenhunen, Christiane Werner [Details]

  • MEDshrub – Shrub invasion in Mediterranean Cork oak woodlands (DAAD 50750827)
    Maria Caldeira, Christiane Werner [Details]

Projects from other divisions

Completed Projects

  • Climate Change and Validation of Rice and Root Crop Production Models (TERRECO Cluster A-01)
    Bhone Nay Htoon, Christiane Werner, John Tenhunen, Dennis Ochuodho Otieno, Jonghan Ko [Details]

  • Linking Remote Sensing to Crop Production (TERRECO Cluster A-04)
    Wei Xue, John Tenhunen, Jonghan Ko, Dennis Ochuodho Otieno, Christiane Werner [Details]

  • Disentangling seasonal vegetation effects on ecosystem evapotranspiration and water use efficiency of a Mediterranean savannah-type oak forest (WATERFLUX DFG)
    Maren Dubbert, Arndt Piayda, Christiane Werner, Matthias Cuntz [Details]

  • Stable Isotope Linkage of Forest WUE and Carbon Gain (TERRECO Cluster F-07)
    Eun-Young Jung, Dennis Ochuodho Otieno, Christiane Werner, John Tenhunen, Jong Hwan Lim [Details]

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