Phosphorus turnover in forest soils: Effects of drying/rewetting and the role of dissolved organic P (P-Turnover) Mai Van Dinh, Marie Spohn, Egbert Matzner
DFG-Umverteilung von Wasser im Boden durch das Myzel saprotropher Pilze und die Auswirkungen auf die C-Mineralisation in trockenen Böden (DFG-MA1089/23-1 Wassertransport durch Pilze) Alexander Guhr, Egbert Matzner
Isotopic N Exchange at Critical Landscape Interfaces (TERRECO Cluster H-01) Silvia Parra Suárez, Gerhard Gebauer, Stefan Peiffer, Egbert Matzner, Ji-Hyung Park
Forest Type DOC/CON Dynamics and Exports (DFG-TERRECO Cluster F-04) Mi-Hee Lee, Egbert Matzner, Stefan Peiffer, Ji-Hyung Park
Tree species effects on the release of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen from decomposing logs (DFG Totholz-DOC) Andreas Bantle, Egbert Matzner, Werner Borken
Gross ammonification, gross nitrification and N net mineralization in temperate forest soils at low temperatures (DFG: Nitrogen mineralization at low temperatures) Marianne Schütt, Egbert Matzner, Werner Borken, Florian Stange
Hydroclimatic controls on the transport of dissolved and particulate organic matter and trace metals in mountainous forested watersheds (TERRECO WP 2-02) Hyunju Lee, Ji-Hyung Park, Egbert Matzner
Fluxes of dissolved and fine particulate organic matter from terrestrial to aquatic systems in dependence on temperature and precipitation regime (TERRECO WP 2-01) Stefan Strohmeier, Egbert Matzner, Ji-Hyung Park
Binding mechanisms and mobility of arsenic in wetland soils (DFG Arsen) Beate Huhle, Egbert Matzner, Christian Blodau
Response of beech saplings to extreme and repeated summer droughts (LWF-2009 KLIP 13) Ulrich Zang, Werner Borken, Egbert Matzner
Operation of the central experimental sites (DFG FOR 562 TP Z (2008-2011)) Egbert Matzner, Werner Borken, Bernd Huwe
Impact of climate change on DOC and nitrate export for a forested catchment (LFU) Martin Reichert, Sven Frei, Stefan Strohmeier, Klaus-Holger Knorr, Jan Fleckenstein, Egbert Matzner, Stefan Peiffer
Global climatic change and its effects on the export of nitrate and dissolved organic matter from forested watersheds (LfU 2009/2010) Martin Reichert, Egbert Matzner, Jan Fleckenstein, Stefan Peiffer
Response of N turnover, DOC production and soil solution fluxes (DFG FOR 562 TP 6) Yao-Te Chen, Andrea Schott, Werner Borken, Egbert Matzner
Role of dissolved organic nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle of a mountainous forest ecosystem in Taiwan (DFG DON Taiwan) Bettina Schmidt, Egbert Matzner
Dynamic of soil organic matter und element fluxes (DFG FOR 562 TP 4: (2005-2008)) Kerstin Schulze, Uwe Hell, Bruno Glaser, Andrea Schmitt, Werner Borken, Egbert Matzner
Installaltion of the central experimental sites (DFG FOR 562 TP Z: (2005-2008)) Egbert Matzner, Bernd Huwe
Umsatz und Mobilität von Arsenverbindungen in einem bewaldeten Einzugsgebiet (DFG: Arsen) Jen-How Huang, Egbert Matzner
N-Deposition and root growth in Norway spruce stands (LWF) Werner Borken, Egbert Matzner
Effects of high litterfall amounts on the transport of mineral elements and dissolved organic matter in the soil of a warm temperate montane forest ecosystem in Taiwan (DFG: Taiwan) Shih-Chieh Chang, Egbert Matzner
Carbon-Nitrogen interactions in forest ecosystems (CNTER) Björn Berg, Egbert Matzner
Effects of changed litter and water input, of clear cutting and a changing tree species composition on the dynamic of DOC and DON in soils (BITÖK-A11) Karsten Kalbitz, Egbert Matzner
Umsatz organischer Zinn- und Quecksilberverbindungen in einem bewaldeten Einzugsgebiet (Organo-Metalle) Jen-How Huang, Egbert Matzner
Indikatoren des Stoffhaushalts von Waldökosystemen (BITÖK-A12) Werner Borken, Jens Langusch, Egbert Matzner
Zeitliche Entwicklung und räumliche Dynamik des Stoffhaushaltes in zwei Einzugsgebieten (BITÖK-A13) Gunnar Lischeid, Egbert Matzner
Biodiversity and Ecosytem Functions in Grasslands (BIOLOG) Carsten Neßhöver, Guido Kossmann, Thomas Gollan, Egbert Matzner, Carl Beierkuhnlein
Predicting recovery in acidified freshwaters by the year 2010, and beyond (RECOVER 2010) Christine Alewell, Elisabeth Herrmann, Annette Prechtel, Dorothea Wiesner, Egbert Matzner
Integrated Nitrogen Model for European Catchments (INCA) Jens Langusch, Birgit Maier, Egbert Matzner
Projects from other divisions
Completed Projects
Isotopic N Exchange at Critical Landscape Interfaces (TERRECO Cluster H-01) Silvia Parra Suárez, Gerhard Gebauer, Stefan Peiffer, Egbert Matzner, Ji-Hyung Park
Water Sources, Flow Paths and Residence Time in a Forested Catchment of the East Asian Monsoon Region (TERRECO Cluster H-02) Jean-Lionel Payeur-Poirier, Luisa Hopp, Stefan Peiffer, Egbert Matzner, Ji-Hyung Park
Forest Type DOC/CON Dynamics and Exports (TERRECO Cluster F-04) Mi-Hee Lee, Egbert Matzner, Stefan Peiffer, Ji-Hyung Park
Response of N turnover, DOC production and soil solution fluxes (DFG FOR 562 TP 6: (2008-2011)) Yao-Te Chen, Werner Borken, Egbert Matzner
Operation of the central experimental sites (DFG FOR 562 TP Z: (2008-2011)) Egbert Matzner, Bernd Huwe, Werner Borken
Bedeutung verholzter Wurzelzonen für die Ionen- und Wasseraufnahme von Fichte, Buche und Eiche (BITÖK- A9) Julia Lindenmair, Egbert Matzner
Stabilization of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in mineral subsoils as indicated by spectroscopic properties and the Al saturation (DFG: CO2) Karsten Kalbitz, Juliane Schmerwitz, David Schwesig, Egbert Matzner
The effects of the activity of fine roots of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) on soil solution and solid phase (BITÖK-A10) Martin Braun, Antje Dieffenbach, Egbert Matzner
The turnover of organic N-compounds (DON) in a deciduous forest ecosystem (BITÖK-A11) Stephan Solinger, Egbert Matzner
Indicators of material cycles in forest ecosystems (BITÖK-A12) Martin Armbruster, Jens Langusch, Egbert Matzner
Dynamics of material cycles in forest ecosystems at different space and time scales (BITÖK-A13) Christine Alewell, Egbert Matzner
The role of different root zones in ion and water uptake of mature spruce trees (BITÖK-A 9) Axel Göttlein, Julia Lindenmair, Egbert Matzner
Turnover of mercury and methyl mercury in forested catchments (DFG: Hg-Wald) Ortrun Krebs, David Schwesig, Egbert Matzner
Uptake of nutrient cations by forest trees (DFG: Rhizosphäre) Birgitta Brunner, Egbert Matzner
Growth deformation on douglas fir - diagnostic fertilization with boron and molybdenum (FVA-DOUGLASIE) Christel Bihl, Egbert Matzner
Stickstoff als Faktor der Humusstabilität in Waldböden (DFG: Humus) Kerstin Michel, Egbert Matzner
Potential Effects of Climatic Changes on Soil water Status and Drought Stress Susceptability of Norway Spruce Stands in the German Alps (BayForKlim-W2) Bernhard Manderscheid, Egbert Matzner
Role of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Compounds (DON) in the Nitrogen Cycle of Forest Ecosystems (BITÖK-N 1) Beate Michalzik, Egbert Matzner
Micro lysimetry as a tool for studying soil solution chemistry in the vicinity of growing roots (BITÖK-N 8) Antje Dieffenbach, Axel Göttlein, Egbert Matzner
Effect of stem runoff and stem-runoff-affected soil on the turnover of nitrogen in beech stands - soil chemistry (BITÖK-N 9.1) Shih-Chieh Chang, Egbert Matzner
The role of SO4-Reduction and spatial Heterogeneity of Soil SO4 Pools for the Reversibility of Soil and Water Acidification (BITÖK-S 6) Christine Alewell, Claudia Jungnickel, Bernhard Manderscheid, Thomas Schweisser, Egbert Matzner
Effects of decreasing SO42-, Ca2+, and Mg2+ deposition on the cation exchange capacity and the base saturation of acid forest soils (BITÖK-S 7) Gunda Matschonat, Egbert Matzner
Production and Transport of organic solutes: Effects of natural climatic variation (PROTOS) (PROTOS) Birgitta Brunner, Beate Michalzik, Egbert Matzner