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Thomas Koellner: Projects

  • Rhizosphere traits enhancing crop resilience to drought in modern cropping systems (Rhizotraits-TP A, SP6: RhizoHistory, financed by BMBF funding scheme: "Soil as a Sustainable Resource for the Bioeconomy – BonaRes" as part of the National Research Strategy BioEconomy 2030)
    Jakob Bogenreuther, Thomas Koellner [Details]

  • Klimawandel in Bayern: Gewässergüte und nachhaltige Landwirtschaft (Aquaklif, TP6: Einfluss multipler Stressoren auf Fließgewässer im Klimawandel). BayKlif Program)
    Bhumika Uniyal, Thomas Koellner [Details]

  • Modellierung und Bewertung von Ökosystemleistungen unter Klimawandel (LandKlif, TP9: Auswirkungen auf Artenvielfalt und Ökosystemleistungen in naturnahen, agrarischen und urbanen Landschaften. BayKlif Program)
    Rebekka Riebl, Maria Hänsel, Thomas Koellner [Details]

Completed Projects

  • Sustainable use of alpine and pre- alpine grassland soils in a changing climate (SUSALPS II,TP C, WP 5 "socio-economy", financed by BMBF funding scheme: "Soil as a Sustainable Resource for the Bioeconomy – BonaRes" as part of the National Research Strategy BioEconomy 2030)
    Andrea Kaim, Thomas Schmitt, Thomas Koellner [Details]

  • MedWater: Sustainable management of politically and economically highly relevant water resources in hydraulically, climatically and ecologically highly dynamic carbonate groundwater aquifers of the Mediterranean. BMBF, GROW Program (WP 2.2: Coupling of the Hydrological-Hydrogeological Model with Remote Sensing Data WP 3: Scenarios and Indicators WP 4: Virtual water flows to Israel and impact on global ecosystem services)
    Ervin Kosatica, Jakirullah Nooruddin, Thomas Koellner [Details]

  • The Impact of Socio-Economic Land Use Decisions on the Provision of Ecosystem Services in Small Catchments (TERRECO WP 4-04)
    Patrick Poppenborg, Thomas Koellner [Details]

Projects from other divisions

  • Forest Management and Economics in Soyang Watershed (TERRECO Cluster F-05)
    Cosmas Lambini, Trung Thanh Nguyen, Thomas Koellner, John Tenhunen, Chan Ryul Park [Details]

  • Economics of Water Management in Soyang Watershed (TERRECO Cluster H-04)
    Ik-Chang Choi, Trung Thanh Nguyen, Hio-Jung Shin, John Tenhunen, Thomas Koellner [Details]

  • TP6 Climate change in Bavaria: water quality and sustainable agriculture (AQUAKLIF_TP6)
    Bhumika Uniyal, Thomas Koellner [Details]

Completed Projects

  • Estimating the economic tradeoffs between agricultural production and water quality for Soyang watershed (TERRECO WP 4-02)
    Saem Lee, Thomas Koellner [Details]

  • Agent-based Model of Land Use Change in Soyang Watershed (TERRECO Cluster S-01)
    Ilkwon Kim, Thomas Koellner, Björn Reineking, Soo Jin Park, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Bayesian statistical approaches for parameterization of landscape agricultural production models (TERRECO WP 3-02)
    Bumsuk Seo, John Tenhunen, Thomas Koellner, Björn Reineking [Details]

  • Water Policy and Vulnerabilities in Soyang Watershed (TERRECO Cluster H-05)
    Jintae Hwang, Detlef Müller-Mahn, Sang-Hun Lee, Thomas Koellner, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Does crop diversity stabilize farmer's income? Time series analysis of agro-economic data from South Korea (WP 4-07)
    Heera Lee, Christina Bogner, Thomas Koellner [Details]

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