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Andreas Schweiger: Publications

Peer reviewed


Conradi, T., Eggli, U., Kreft, H., Schweiger, A., Weigelt, P., Higgins, S.: Reassessment of the risks of climate change for terrestrial ecosystems. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 8, 888-900 (2024).


Rocchini, D., Tordoni, E., Marchetto, E., Marcantonio, M., Barbosa, A., Bazzichetto, M., Beierkuhnlein, C., Castelnuovo, E., Gatti, R., Chiarucci, A., Chieffallo, L., Da Re, D., Di Musciano, M., Foody, G., Gabor, L., Garzon-Lopez, C., Guisan, A., Hattab, T., Hortal, J., Kunin, W., Jordán, F., Lenoir, J., Mirri, S., Moudrý, V., Naimi, B., Nowosad, J., Sabatini, F., Schweiger, A., Šímová, P., Tessarolo, G., Zannini, P., Malavasi, M.: A quixotic view of spatial bias in modelling the distribution of species and their diversity. npj Biodiversity, 2(1), 10 (2023).


Schweiger, A., Ullmann, G., Nürk, N., Triebel, D., Schobert, R., Rambold, G.: Chemical properties of key metabolites determine the global distribution of lichens. Ecology Letters, 25(2), 416-426 (2022).


Wilfahrt, P., Schweiger, A., Abrantes, N., Arfin Khan, M., Bahn, M., Berauer, B., Bierbaumer, M., Djukic, I., van Dusseldorp, M., Eibes, P., Estiarte, M., von Heßberg, A., Holub, P., Ingrisch, J., Schmidt, I., Kesic, L., Klem, K., Kröel-Dulay, G., Larsen, K., Lõhmus, K., Mänd, P., Orbán, I., Orlovic, S., Peñuelas, J., Reinthaler, D., Radujković, D., Schuchardt, M., Schweiger, J., Stojnic, S., Tietema, A., Urban, O., Vicca, S., Jentsch, A.: Disentangling climate from soil nutrient effects on plant biomass production using a multispecies phytometer. Ecosphere, 12(8), e03719 (2021).

Schweiger, A., Nürk, N., Beckett, H., Liede-Schumann, S., Midgley, G., Higgins, S.: The eco‐evolutionary significance of rainfall constancy for facultative CAM photosynthesis. New Phytologist, 230(4), 1653-1664 (2021).

Irl, S., Schweiger, A., Steinbauer, M., Ah-Peng, C., Arévalo, J., Beierkuhnlein, C., Chiarucci, A., Daehler, C., Fernández‐Palacios, J., Flores, O., Kueffer, C., Maděra, P., Otto, R., Schweiger, J., Strasberg, D., Jentsch, A., Lavergne, S.: Human impact, climate and dispersal strategies determine plant invasion on islands. Journal of Biogeography, 48(8), 1889-1903 (2021).


Schweiger, A., Svenning, J.: Analogous losses of large animals and trees, socio-ecological consequences, and an integrative framework for rewilding-based megabiota restoration. People and Nature, 2(1), 29-41 (2020).

Conradi, T., Slingsby, J., Midgley, G., Nottebrock, H., Schweiger, A., Higgins, S.: An operational definition of the biome for global change research. New Phytologist, 227(5), 1294-1306 (2020).


Schweiger, A., Boulangeat, I., Conradi, T., Davis, M., Svenning, J.: The importance of ecological memory for trophic rewilding as an ecosystem restoration approach. Biological Reviews, 94(1), 1-15 (2019).

Hoffmann, S., Steiner, L., Schweiger, A., Chiarucci, A., Beierkuhnlein, C.: Optimizing sampling effort and information content of biodiversity surveys : a case study of alpine grassland. Ecological Informatics, 51, 112-120 (2019).

Irl, S., Schweiger, A., Hoffmann, S., Beierkuhnlein, C., Hartmann, H., Pickel, T., Jentsch, A.: Spatiotemporal dynamics of plant diversity and endemism during primary succession on an oceanic‐volcanic island. Journal of Vegetation Science, 30(4), 587-598 (2019).

Hoffmann, S., Steiner, L., Schweiger, A., Chiarucci, A., Benner, J., Provenzale, A., Beierkuhnlein, C.: Data on alpine grassland diversity in Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy. Data in Brief, 24, 103942 (2019).


Galetti, M., Moleón, M., Jordano, P., Pires, M., Guimarães, P., Pape, T., Nichols, E., Hansen, D., Olesen, J., Munk, M., de Mattos, J., Schweiger, A., Owen-Smith, N., Johnson, C., Marquis, R., Svenning, J.: Ecological and evolutionary legacy of megafauna extinctions. Biological Reviews, 93(2), 845-862 (2018).


Schweiger, A., Beierkuhnlein, C.: The ecological legacy of 20th century acidification carried on by ecosystem engineers. Applied Vegetation Science, 20(2), 215-224 (2017).

Irl, S., Schweiger, A., Medina, F., Fernández-Palacios, J., Harter, D., Jentsch, A., Provenzale, A., Steinbauer, M., Beierkuhnlein, C.: An island view of endemic rarity – environmental drivers and consequences for nature conservation. Diversity and Distributions, 23(10), 1132-1142 (2017).


Muffler, L., Beierkuhnlein, C., Aas, G., Jentsch, A., Schweiger, A., Zohner, C., Kreyling, J.: Distribution ranges and spring phenology explain late frost sensitivity in 170 woody plants from the Northern Hemisphere. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25(9), 1061-1071 (2016).

Steinbauer, M., Beierkuhnlein, C., Arfin Khan, M., Harter, D., Irl, S., Jentsch, A., Schweiger, A., Svenning, J., Dengler, J.: How to differentiate facilitation and environmentally driven co-existence. Journal of Vegetation Science, 27(5), 1071-1079 (2016).

Schweiger, A., Irl, S., Steinbauer, M., Dengler, J., Beierkuhnlein, C.: Optimizing sampling approaches along ecological gradients. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7(4), 463-471 (2016).

Schweiger, A., Beierkuhnlein, C.: Scale dependence of temperature as an abiotic driver of species’ distributions. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25(8), 1013-1021 (2016).

Schweiger, A., Beierkuhnlein, C.: Size dependency in colour patterns of Western Palearctic carabids. Ecography, 39(9), 846-857 (2016).


Schweiger, A., Audorff, V., Beierkuhnlein, C.: The acid taste of climate change : 20th century acidification is re-emerging during a climatic extreme event. Ecosphere, 6(6), 94 (2015).

Schweiger, A., Otieno, D., Kulunge, S., Reineking, B., Tenhunen, J.: The Afro-alpine dwarf shrub Helichrysum citrispinum favours understorey plants through microclimate amelioration. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 8(3), 293-303 (2015).

Schweiger, A., Fünfstück, H., Beierkuhnlein, C.: Availability of optimal-sized prey affects global distribution patterns of the golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos. Journal of Avian Biology, 46(1), 81-88 (2015).

Schweiger, A., Audorff, V., Beierkuhnlein, C.: Salt in the wound : the interfering effect of road salt on acidified forest catchments. Science of the Total Environment, 532, 595-604 (2015).


Schweiger, A., Beierkuhnlein, C.: Water temperature and acidity regime shape dominance and beta-diversity patterns in the plant communities of springs. Frontiers of Biogeography, 6(3), 132-143 (2014).


Schweiger, A., Lipp, L.: Wühlmäuse (Arvicolinae) als bevorzugte Beute des Uhus Bubo bubo während der Jungenaufzucht in Bayern. Ornithologischer Anzeiger, 50(1), 1-25 (2011).

Books and Book sections


Steinbauer, M., Schweiger, A., Irl, S.: Patterns in Biogeography. In: Richard M. Kliman (eds.): Encyclopedia of evolutionary biology. Vol. 1. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2016. - 221-230.

Other publications


Gass, L., Ruppert, O., Bieberich, J., Schweiger, A., Aas, G.: Hohe Pflanzen- und Strukturdiversität im Kleinprivatwald. AFZ : Der Wald, (1), 42-46 (2023).


Schweiger, A.: Springs as models to unveil ecological drivers and responses : Perspectives for ecosystem theory from neglected ecosystems. - Bayreuth: 2016. - VI, 191 p.
(Thesis, 2016, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften)


Schweiger, A.: Drivers of plant facilitation in the afro-alpine zone of Mt. Kilimanjaro - spatial and temporal variation of micro-climate, vegetation structure, plant water relations and ecosystem CO2 fluxes and their interactions. - , 2013.
(Master thesis, 2013, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuther Zentrum für Ökologie und Umweltforschung - BayCEER)


Koch, S., Schweiger, A.: Aktueller Nachweis der Holzbiene Xylocopa violacea (L., 1758) in Mittelfranken (Weidenbach, Lkr. Ansbach). Galathea, 26(3), 155-160 (2010).

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