Derek Peršoh: Publications
Peer reviewed
Guerreiro, M., Kambach, S., Stoll, R., Brachmann, A., Senker, J., Begerow, D., Peršoh, D.: Linking processes to community functions : insights into litter decomposition combining fungal metatranscriptomics and environmental NMR profiling. Mycological Progress, 22(2), 10 (2023).
Edelmann, P., Weisser, W., Ambarlı, D., Bässler, C., Buscot, F., Hofrichter, M., Hoppe, B., Kellner, H., Minnich, C., Moll, J., Peršoh, D., Seibold, S., Seilwinder, C., Schulze, E., Wöllauer, S., Borken, W.: Regional variation in deadwood decay of 13 tree species : Effects of climate, soil and forest structure. Forest Ecology and Management, 541, 121094 (2023).
Kwatcho Kengdo, S., Peršoh, D., Schindlbacher, A., Heinzle, J., Tian, Y., Wanek, W., Borken, W.: Long-term soil warming alters fine root dynamics and morphology, and their ectomycorrhizal fungal community in a temperate forest soil. Global Change Biology, 28(10), 3441-3458 (2022).
Dahl, M., Peršoh, D., Jentsch, A., Kreyling, J.: Root-Associated Mycobiomes of Common Temperate Plants (Calluna vulgaris and Holcus lanatus) Are Strongly Affected by Winter Climate Conditions. Microbial Ecology, 82(2), 403-415 (2021).
Minnich, C., Peršoh, D., Poll, C., Borken, W.: Changes in Chemical and Microbial Soil Parameters Following 8 Years of Deadwood Decay : An Experiment with Logs of 13 Tree Species in 30 Forests. Ecosystems, 24, 955-967 (2021).
Peršoh, D., Stolle, N., Brachmann, A., Begerow, D., Rambold, G.: Fungal guilds are evenly distributed along a vertical spruce forest soil profile while individual fungi show pronounced niche partitioning. Mycological Progress, 17(8), 925-939 (2018).
Werner, S., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: Insights into fungal communities colonizing the acarosphere in a forest soil habitat. Mycological Progress, 17(9), 1067-1085 (2018).
Peršoh, D., Borken, W.: Impact of woody debris of different tree species on the microbial acitivty and community of an underlying organic horizon. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 115, 516-525 (2017).
Davydov, E., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: Umbilicariaceae (Lichenized Ascomycota) – Trait evolution and a new generic concept. Taxon, 66(6), 1282-1303 (2017).
Werner, S., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: New aspects of the biology of Mortierella alliacea. Mycological Progress, 15(12), 1293-1301 (2016).
Rambold, G., Zedda, L., Coyle, J., Peršoh, D., Köhler, T., Triebel, D.: Geographic heat maps of lichen traits derived by combining LIAS light description and GBIF occurrence data, provided on a new platform. Biodiversity and Conservation, 25(13), 2743-2751 (2016).
Beck, A., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: First evidence for seasonal fluctuations in lichen and bark-colonizing fungal communities. Folia Microbiologica, 59(2), 155-157 (2014).
Kis-Papo, T., Weig, A., Riley, R., Peršoh, D., Salamov, A., Sun, H., Lipzen, A., Wasser, S., Rambold, G., Grigoriev, I., Nevo, E.: Genomic adaptations of the halophilic Dead Sea filamentous fungus Eurotium rubrum. Nature Communications, 5, 3745 (2014).
Tello, S., Silva-Flores, P., Agerer, R., Halbwachs, H., Beck, A., Peršoh, D.: Hygrocybe virginea is a systemic endophyte of Plantago lanceolata. Mycological Progress, 13(3), 471-475 (2014).
Greiner, K., Peršoh, D., Weig, A., Rambold, G.: Phialosimplex salinarum, a new species of Eurotiomycetes from a hypersaline habitat. IMA Fungus, 5, 161-172 (2014).
Stadler, M., Læssøe, T., Fournier, J., Decock, C., Schmieschek, B., Tichy, H., Peršoh, D.: A polyphasic taxonomy of Daldinia (Xylariaceae). Studies in Mycology, 77, 1-143 (2014).
Weig, A., Peršoh, D., Werner, S., Betzlbacher, A., Rambold, G.: Diagnostic assessment of mycodiversity in environmental samples by fungal ITS1 rDNA length polymorphism. Mycological Progress, 12(4), 719-725 (2013).
Peršoh, D., Segert, J., Zigan, A., Rambold, G.: Fungal community composition shifts along a leaf degradation gradient in a European beech forest. Plant and Soil, 362(1/2), 175-186 (2013).
Stadler, M., Kuhnert, E., Peršoh, D., Fournier, J.: The Xylariaceae as model example for a unified nomenclature following the “One Fungus-One Name” (1F1N) concept. Mycology, 4(1), 5-21 (2013).
Werner, S., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: Basidiobolus haptosporus is frequently associated with the gamasid mite Leptogamasus obesus. Fungal Biology, 116(1), 90-97 (2012).
Bills, G., Gonzalez-Menendez, V., Martin, J., Platas, G., Fournier, J., Peršoh, D., Stadler, M.: Hypoxylon pulicicidum sp. nov. (Ascomycota, Xylariales), a pantropical insecticide-producing endophyte. PLoS One, 7(10), e46687 (2012).
Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: Lichen-associated fungi of the Letharietum vulpinae. Mycological Progress, 11(3), 753-760 (2012).
Kreyling, J., Peršoh, D., Werner, S., Benzenberg, M., Wöllecke, J.: Short-term impacts of soil freeze-thaw cycles on roots and root-associated fungi of Holcus lanatus and Calluna vulgaris. Plant and Soil, 353(1/2), 19-31 (2012).
Peršoh, D., Weig, A., Rambold, G.: A transcriptome-targeting EcoChip for assessing functional mycodiversity. Microarrays, 1(1), 25-41 (2012).
Fournier, J., Flessa, F., Peršoh, D., Stadler, M.: Three new Xylaria species from Southwestern Europe. Mycological Progress, 10(1), 33-52 (2011).
Stadler, M., Fournier, J., Læssøe, T., Chlebicki, A., Lechat, C., Flessa, F., Rambold, G., Peršoh, D.: Chemotaxonomic and phylogenetic studies of Thamnomyces (Xylariaceae). Mycoscience, 51(3), 189-207 (2010).
Stadler, M., Fournier, J., Læssøe, T., Decock, C., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: Erratum to: Ruwenzoria, a new genus of the Xylariaceae from Central Africa. Mycological Progress, 9(2), 311-312 (2010).
Peršoh, D., Melcher, M., Flessa, F., Rambold, G.: First fungal community analyses of endophytic ascomycetes associated with Viscum album ssp. austriacum and its host Pinus sylvestris. Fungal Biology, 114(7), 585-596 (2010).
Wei, J., Peršoh, D., Agerer, R.: Four Ectomycorrhizae of Pyronemataceae (Pezizomycetes) on Chinese Pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) : morpho-anatomical and molecular-phylogenetic analyses. Mycological Progress, 9(2), 267-280 (2010).
Stadler, M., Fournier, J., Gardt, S., Peršoh, D.: The phylogenetic position of Rhopalostroma as inferred from a polythetic approach. Persoonia, 25, 11-21 (2010).
Stadler, M., Fournier, J., Læssøe, T., Decock, C., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: Ruwenzoria, a new genus of the Xylariaceae from Central Africa. Mycological Progress, 9(2), 169-179 (2010).
Davydov, E., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: The systematic position of Lasallia caroliniana (Tuck.) Davydov, Peršoh & Rambold comb. nova and considerations on the generic concept of Lasallia (Umbilicariaceae, Ascomycota). Mycological Progress, 9(2), 261-266 (2010).
Clemens, S., Peršoh, D.: Multi-tasking phytochelatin synthases. Plant Science, 177(4), 266-271 (2009).
Bitzer, J., Læssøe, T., Fournier, J., Kummer, V., Decock, C., Tichy, H., Piepenbring, M., Peršoh, D., Stadler, M.: Affinities of Phylacia and the daldinoid Xylariaceae, inferred from chemotypes of cultures and ribosomal DNA sequences. Mycological Research, 112(2), 251-270 (2008).
Peršoh, D., Beck, A., Rambold, G.: The distribution of ascus types and photobiontal selection in Lecanoromyces (Ascomycota) against the background of a revised SSU nrDNA phylogeny. Mycological Progress, 3(2), 103-121 (2004).
Mühlbauer, A., Triebel, D., Peršoh, D., Wollweber, H., Seip, S., Stadler, M.: Macrocarpones, novel metabolites from stromata of Hypoxylon macrocarpum, and new evidence on the chemotaxonomy of Hypoxylon species. Mycological Progress, 1(3), 235-248 (2002).
Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: Phacopsis — a lichenicolous genus of the family Parmeliaceae. Mycological Progress, 1(1), 43-55 (2002).
Books and Book sections
Beck, A., Peršoh, D.: Flechten und ihre Stellung im Reich der Pilze. In: Ökologische Rolle der Flechten : Rundgespräch am 13. Oktober 2008 in München. - München : Pfeil, 2009. - 13-24.
Triebel, D., Peršoh, D., Nash, T., Zedda, L., Rambold, G.: LIAS - An interactive database system for structured descriptive data of Ascomycetes. In: Curry, Gordon B. (Hrsg.): Biodiversity databases : techniques, politics, and applications. - Boca Raton, Fla. : CRC, 2007. - 99-110.
Peršoh, D.: Diversity of lichen inhabiting fungi in the Letharietum vulpinae. In: Tiina Randlane (eds.): Lichens in focus : selection of poster contributions of IAL 5. - Tartu : 2005. - 34-35.
Triebel, D., Peršoh, D., Nash, T., Zedda, L., Rambold, G.: LIAS - an online database system for descriptive data of ascomycetes. In: Tiina Randlane (eds.): Lichens in focus : book of abstracts of the 5th IAL symposium. - Tartu : Tartu Univ. Press, 2004.
Peršoh, D., Kainz, C.: Phacopsis. In: Thomas H. Nash (eds.): Lichen flora of the greater Sonoran Desert region. Band 2. Most of the microlichens, balance of the macrolichens, and the lichenicolous fungi. - Tempe, Arizona : Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State Univ., 2004. - 692-693.
Davydov, E., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: Phylogenetic analyses of the lichen family Umbilicariaceae based on material from Siberia. In: Tiina Randlane (eds.): Lichens in focus : book of abstracts of the 5th IAL symposium. - Tartu : Tartu Univ. Press, 2004.
Rambold, G., Bungartz, F., Peršoh, D.: Structural optimisation of the global information system LIAS by establishing a LIAS names server and expanding the Descriptors Workbench. In: Walter G. Berendsohn (eds.): GBIF-D: German Participation in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility : Projects in the German National Programme for the Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2003-2006 ; Status Report 2004. - Bonn : PT-DLR Environmental Research and Technology, 2004.
Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: Fungal diversity in the host lichen Letharia vulpina. In: Biodiversity - from patterns to processes : Kurzfassungen der Beiträge. - Göttingen : Verl. Die Werkstatt, 2003. - 161.
Rambold, G., Peršoh, D.: Structural optimization of the global information system LIAS by establishing a LIAS names server and expanding the Descriptors Workbench.. In: Sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity : a challenge for society. A. Symposium report. - Bonn : 2003. - 249-250.
Peršoh, D.: Character evolution in "Phacopsis" inferred from nrDNA sequences. In: 7th International Mycological Congress (IMC7): Book of abstracts. - Oslo : 2002.
Nash, T., Peršoh, D., Barreno, E., Wojciechowski, M., Rambold, G.: Lichenicolous lichens: Independent lines of evolution? - Evidence from Acarospora stapfiana. In: The 7th International Mycological Congress, Oslo 11-17 August 2002 : book of abstracts. - Oslo : Congress Secretariat, 2002. - 222.
Peršoh, D.: Screening for lichenicolous fungi of Usnea. In: The 7th International Mycological Congress, Oslo 11-17 August 2002 : book of abstracts. - Oslo : Congress Secretariat, 2002. - 169.
Other publications
Kuhnert, E., Fournier, J., Peršoh, D., Luangsa-ard, J., Stadler, M.: New Hypoxylon species from Martinique and new evidence on the molecular phylogeny of Hypoxylon based on ITS rDNA and β-tubulin data. Fungal Diversity, 64(1), 181-203 (2014).
Weig, A., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: EcoChips für die Erforschung mikrobieller Lebensgemeinschaften. BIOspektrum, 19(4), 382-385 (2013).
Peršoh, D.: Factors shaping community structure of endophytic fungi–evidence from the Pinus-Viscum-system. Fungal Diversity, 60(1), 55-69 (2013).
Unterseher, M., Peršoh, D., Schnittler, M.: Leaf-inhabiting endophytic fungi of European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) co-occur in leaf litter but are rare on decaying wood of the same host. Fungal Diversity, 60(1), 43-54 (2013).
Flessa, F., Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: Annuality of Central European deciduous tree leaves delimits community development of epifoliar pigmented fungi. Fungal Ecology, 5(5), 554-561 (2012).
Peršoh, D., Melcher, M., Graf, K., Fournier, J., Stadler, M., Rambold, G.: Molecular and morphological evidence for the delimitation of Xylaria hypoxylon. Mycologia, 101(2), 256-268 (2009).
Peršoh, D., Rambold, G.: New protocols for the extraction of nucleic acids from soil. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 107(6), 2118 (2009).
Peršoh, D., Theuerl, S., Buscot, F., Rambold, G.: Towards a universally adaptable method for quantitative extraction of high-purity nucleic acids from soil. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 75(1), 19-24 (2008).
Peršoh, D.: Studies in the diversity, phylogeny, and character distribution in lichen-associated and lichenized Ascomycota. - : 2006.
(Thesis, 2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften)
Triebel, D., Peršoh, D., Wollweber, H., Stadler, M.: Phylogenetic relationships among Daldinia, Entonaema, and Hypoxylon as inferred from ITS nrDNA analyses of Xylariales. Nova Hedwigia, 80(1/2), 25-43 (2005).
Stadler, M., Peršoh, D., Triebel, D.: A comparison of ITS-nr DNA data of Xylariales with emphasis on Xylariaceae with nodulisporium-like anamorphs. - (Speech), British Mycological Society Annual Meeting 2003, 2003, Asilomar, California, USA.
Peršoh, D., Triebel, D.: LIAS : a global information system for lichenized and non-lichenized Ascomycetes. - (Speech), Fourth biennial conference of the Systematics Association, 18.-22.08.2003, Dublin, Irland.