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Christoph Thomas: Publications

Peer reviewed


Huss, J., Thomas, C.: The impact of turbulent transport efficiency on surface vertical heat fluxes in the Arctic stable boundary layer predicted from similarity theory and machine-learning. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, (2024).

Seidler, J., Friedrich, M., Thomas, C., Nölscher, A.: Introducing the novel concept of cumulative concentration roses for studying the transport of ultrafine particles from an airport to adjacent residential areas. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24(1), 137-153 (2024).

Esders, E., Georgi, C., Babel, W., Held, A., Thomas, C.: Vertical concentrations gradients and transport of airborne microplastics in wind tunnel experiments. Aerosol Research, 2(2), 235-243 (2024).


Esders, E., Sittl, S., Krammel, I., Babel, W., Papastavrou, G., Thomas, C.: Is transport of microplastics different from mineral particles? Idealized wind tunnel studies on polyethylene microspheres. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23(24), 15835-15851 (2023).

Abdoli, M., Lapo, K., Schneider, J., Olesch, J., Thomas, C.: Toward quantifying turbulent vertical airflow and sensible heat flux in tall forest canopies using fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 16(3), 809-824 (2023).


Esders, E., Georgi, C., Babel, W., Thomas, C.: Quantitative detection of aerial suspension of particles with a full-frame visual camera for atmospheric wind tunnel studies. Aerosol Science and Technology, 56(6), 530-544 (2022).

Thomas, C., Huss, J., Abdoli, M., Huttarsch, T., Schneider, J.: Solid-Phase Reference Baths for Fiber-Optic Distributed Sensing. Sensors, 22(11), 4244 (2022).

Abdoli, M., Lapo, K., Schneider, J., Olesch, J., Thomas, C.: Toward quantifying turbulent vertical airflow and sensible heat flux in tall forest canopies using fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, (2022).

Zahn, E., Bou-Zeid, E., Good, S., Katul, G., Thomas, C., Ghannam, K., Smith, J., Chamecki, M., Dias, N., Fuentes, J., Alfieri, J., Kwon, H., Caylor, K., Gao, Z., Soderberg, K., Bambach, N., Hipps, L., Prueger, J., Kustas, W.: Direct partitioning of eddy-covariance water and carbon dioxide fluxes into ground and plant components. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 315, 108790 (2022).

Fischer, W., Thomas, C., Zimov, N., Göckede, M.: Grazing enhances carbon cycling but reduces methane emission during peak growing season in the Siberian Pleistocene Park tundra site. Biogeosciences, 19(6), 1611-1633 (2022).

Drake, S., Rupp, D., Thomas, C., Oldroyd, H., Schulze, M., Jones, J.: Increasing Daytime Stability Enhances Downslope Moisture Transport in the Subcanopy of an Even-Aged Conifer Forest in Western Oregon, USA. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127(9), e2021JD036042 (2022).

Lapo, K., Freundorfer, A., Fritz, A., Schneider, J., Olesch, J., Babel, W., Thomas, C.: The Large eddy Observatory, Voitsumra Experiment 2019 (LOVE19) with high-resolution, spatially distributed observations of air temperature, wind speed, and wind direction from fiber-optic distributed sensing, towers, and ground-based remote sensing. Earth System Science Data, 14(2), 885-906 (2022).


Vogl, T., Hrdina, A., Thomas, C.: Choosing an optimal β factor for relaxed eddy accumulation applications across vegetated and non-vegetated surfaces. Biogeosciences, 18(18), 5097-5115 (2021).

Freundorfer, A., Lapo, K., Schneider, J., Thomas, C.: Distributed Sensing of Wind Direction Using Fiber-Optic Cables. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 38(10), 1871-1883 (2021).

Fischer, W., Thomas, C., Zimov, N., Göckede, M.: Grazing enhances carbon cycling, but reduces methane emission in the Siberian Pleistocene Park tundra site. Biogeosciences Discussions, 33 S. (2021).

Lapo, K., Freundorfer, A., Fritz, A., Schneider, J., Olesch, J., Babel, W., Thomas, C.: The Large-eddy Observatory Voitsumra Experiment 2019 (LOVE19) with high-resolution, spatially-distributed observations of air temperature, wind speed, and wind direction from fiber-optic distributed sensing, towers, and ground-based remote sensing. Earth System Science Data Discussions, (2021).

Zeller, M., Huss, J., Pfister, L., Lapo, K., Littmann, D., Schneider, J., Schulz, A., Thomas, C.: The NY-Alesund TurbulencE Fiber Optic eXperiment (NYTEFOX): investigating the Arctic boundary layer, Svalbard. Earth System Science Data, 13(7), 3439-3452 (2021).

Zeller, M., Huss, J., Pfister, L., Lapo, K., Littmann, D., Schneider, J., Schulz, A., Thomas, C.: The NY-Ålesund TurbulencE Fiber Optic eXperiment (NYTEFOX) : investigating the Arctic boundary layer, Svalbard. Earth System Science Data Discussions, (2021).

Peltola, O., Lapo, K., Thomas, C.: A Physics-Based Universal Indicator for Vertical Decoupling and Mixing Across Canopies Architectures and Dynamic Stabilities. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(5), e2020GL091615 (2021).

Fritz, A., Lapo, K., Freundorfer, A., Linhardt, T., Thomas, C.: Revealing the Morning Transition in the Mountain Boundary Layer Using Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(9), e2020GL092238 (2021).

Nabavi, S., Nölscher, A., Samimi, C., Thomas, C., Haimberger, L., Lüers, J., Held, A.: Site-scale modeling of surface ozone in Northern Bavaria using machine learning algorithms, regional dynamic models, and a hybrid model. Environmental Pollution, 268, Part A, 115736 (2021).

Peltola, O., Lapo, K., Martinkauppi, I., O'Connor, E., Thomas, C., Vesala, T.: Suitability of fibre-optic distributed temperature sensing for revealing mixing processes and higher-order moments at the forest-air interface. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14(3), 2409-2427 (2021).

Pfister, L., Lapo, K., Mahrt, L., Thomas, C.: Thermal Submeso Motions in the Nocturnal Stable Boundary Layer. Part 2: Generating Mechanisms and Implications. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 180(2), 203-224 (2021).

Pfister, L., Lapo, K., Mahrt, L., Thomas, C.: Thermal Submesoscale Motions in the Nocturnal Stable Boundary Layer. Part 1: Detection and Mean Statistics. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 180(2), 187-202 (2021).


Lapo, K., Freundorfer, A., Pfister, L., Schneider, J., Selker, J., Thomas, C.: Distributed observations of wind direction using microstructures attached to actively heated fiber-optic cables. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13(3), 1563-1573 (2020).

Mahrt, L., Pfister, L., Thomas, C.: Small-Scale Variability in the Nocturnal Boundary Layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 174(1), 81-98 (2020).


Linhardt, T., Levy, J., Thomas, C.: Water tracks intensify surface energy and mass exchange in the Antarctic McMurdo Dry Valleys. The Cryosphere Discussions, 1-16 (2019).

Pfister, L., Lapo, K., Sayde, C., Selker, J., Mahrt, L., Thomas, C.: Classifying the nocturnal atmospheric boundary layer into temperature and flow regimes. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 145(721), 1515-1534 (2019).

Freundorfer, A., Rehberg, I., Law, B., Thomas, C.: Forest wind regimes and their implications on cross-canopy coupling. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 279, 107696 (2019).

Sigmund, A., Freier, K., Rehm, T., Ries, L., Schunk, C., Menzel, A., Thomas, C.: Multivariate statistical air mass classification for the high-alpine observatory at the Zugspitze Mountain, Germany. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(19), 12477-12494 (2019).

Sigmund, A., Freier, K., Rehm, T., Ries, L., Schunk, C., Menzel, A., Thomas, C.: Multivariate statistical air mass discrimination for the high-alpine observatory at the Zugspitze mountain, Germany. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, (2019).

Foken, T., Babel, W., Thomas, C.: Possible errors in flux measurements due to limited digitalization. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12(2), 971-976 (2019).

Klosterhalfen, A., Graf, A., Brüggemann, N., Drüe, C., Esser, O., González-Dugo, M., Heinemann, G., Jacobs, C., Mauder, M., Moene, A., Ney, P., Pütz, T., Rebmann, C., Ramos Rodriguez, M., Scanlon, T., Schmidt, M., Steinbrecher, R., Thomas, C., Valler, V., Zeeman, M., Vereecken, H.: Source partitioning of H₂O and CO₂ fluxes based on high-frequency eddy covariance data : a comparison between study sites. Biogeosciences, 16(6), 1111-1132 (2019).

Linhardt, T., Levy, J., Thomas, C.: Water tracks intensify surface energy and mass exchange in the Antarctic McMurdo Dry Valleys. The Cryosphere, 13(8), 2203-2219 (2019).


Klosterhalfen, A., Graf, A., Brüggemann, N., Drüe, C., Esser, O., González-Dugo, M., Heinemann, G., Jacobs, C., Mauder, M., Moene, A., Ney, P., Pütz, T., Rebmann, C., Ramos Rodriguez, M., Scanlon, T., Schmidt, M., Steinbrecher, R., Thomas, C., Valler, V., Zeeman, M., Vereecken, H.: Source Partitioning of H₂O and CO₂ Fluxes Based on High Frequency Eddy Covariance Data : a Comparison between Study Sites. Biogeosciences Discussions, (2018).

Kwon, H., Law, B., Thomas, C., Johnson, B.: The influence of hydrological variability on inherent water use efficiency in forests of contrasting composition, age, and precipitation regimes in the Pacific Northwest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 249, 488-500 (2018).

Mahrt, L., Thomas, C., Grachev, A., Persson, P.: Near-Surface Vertical Flux Divergence in the Stable Boundary Layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 169(3), 373-393 (2018).

Foken, T., Babel, W., Thomas, C.: Technical Note: Possible errors in flux measurements due to limited digitalization. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, (2018).


Pfister, L., Sigmund, A., Olesch, J., Thomas, C.: Nocturnal Near-Surface Temperature, but not Flow Dynamics, can be Predicted by Microtopography in a Mid-Range Mountain Valley. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 165(2), 333-348 (2017).

Sigmund, A., Pfister, L., Sayde, C., Thomas, C.: Quantitative analysis of the radiation error for aerial coiled-fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing deployments using reinforcing fabric as support structure. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 10(6), 2149-2162 (2017).


Argerich, A., Haggerty, R., Johnson, S., Wondzell, S., Dosch, N., Corson-Rikert, H., Ashkenas, L., Pennington, R., Thomas, C.: Comprehensive multiyear carbon budget of a temperate headwater stream. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 121(5), 1306-1315 (2016).

Sigmund, A., Pfister, L., Sayde, C., Thomas, C.: Quantitative analysis of the radiation error for aerial coiled fiber-optic Distributed Temperature Sensing deployments using reinforcing fabric as support structure. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, (2016).

Mahrt, L., Thomas, C.: Surface stress with non-stationary weak winds and stable stratification. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 159(1), 3-21 (2016).


Sayde, C., Thomas, C., Wagner, J., Selker, J.: High-resolution wind speed measurements using actively heated fiber optics. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(22), S. 10,064-10,073 (2015).

Kleinknecht, G., Lintz, H., Kruger, A., Niemeier, J., Salino-Hugg, M., Thomas, C., Still, C., Kim, Y.: Introducing a sensor to measure budburst and its environmental drivers. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6, 123 (2015).


Zeeman, M., Selker, J., Thomas, C.: Near-surface motion in the nocturnal, stable boundary layer observed with fibre-optic distributed temperature sensing. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 154(2), 189-205 (2014).

Vickers, D., Thomas, C.: Observations of the scale-dependent turbulence and evaluation of the flux-gradient relationship for sensible heat for a closed Douglas-fir canopy in very weak wind conditions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(18), 9665-9676 (2014).


Zeeman, M., Eugster, W., Thomas, C.: Concurrency of coherent structures and conditionally sampled daytime sub-canopy respiration. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 146(1), 1-15 (2013).

Thomas, C., Smoot, A.: An effective, economic, aspirated radiation shield for air temperature observations and its spatial gradients. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 30(3), 526-537 (2013).

Mahrt, L., Thomas, C., Richardson, S., Seaman, N., Stauffer, D., Zeeman, M.: Non-stationary generation of weak turbulence for very stable and weak-wind conditions. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 147(2), 179-199 (2013).

Vickers, D., Thomas, C.: Some aspects of the turbulence kinetic energy and fluxes above and beneath a tall open pine forest canopy. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 181, 143-151 (2013).

Thomas, C., Martin, J., Law, B., Davis, K.: Toward biologically meaningful net carbon exchange estimates for tall, dense canopies: multi-level eddy covariance observations and canopy coupling regimes in a mature Douglas-fir forest in Oregon. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 173, 14-27 (2013).


Vickers, D., Thomas, C., Pettijohn, J., Martin, J., Law, B.: Five years of carbon fluxes and inherent water-use efficiency at two semi-arid pine forests with different disturbance histories. Tellus B, 64(1), 17159 (2012).

Thomas, C., Kennedy, A., Selker, J., Moretti, A., Schroth, M., Smoot, A., Tufillaro, N., Zeeman, M.: High-resolution fibre-optic temperature sensing : A new tool to study the two-dimensional structure of atmospheric surface-layer flow. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 142(2), 177-192 (2012).


Zhang, Y., Liu, H., Foken, T., Williams, Q., Mauder, M., Thomas, C.: Coherent structures and flux contribution over an inhomogeneously irrigated cotton field. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 103(1-2), 119-131 (2011).

Petrides, A., Huff, J., Arik, A., de Giesen, N., Kennedy, A., Thomas, C., Selker, J.: Shade Estimation Over Streams Using Distributed Temperature Sensing. Water Resources Research, 47(7), W07601 (2011).

Thomas, C.: Variability of subcanopy flow, temperature, and horizontal advection in moderately complex terrain. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 139(1), 61-81 (2011).

Serafimovich, A., Thomas, C., Foken, T.: Vertical and horizontal transport of energy and matter by coherent motions in a tall spruce canopy. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 140(3), 429-451 (2011).


Vickers, D., Thomas, C., Martin, J., Law, B.: Reply to the comment on Vickers et al. (2009): Self-correlation between assimilation and respiration resulting from flux partitioning of eddy-covariance CO₂ fluxes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150(2), 315-317 (2010).


Turner, D., Ritts, W., Wharton, S., Thomas, C., Monson, R., Black, T., Falk, M.: Assessing FPAR source and parameter optimization scheme in application of a diagnostic carbon flux model. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113(7), 1529-1539 (2009).

Vickers, D., Thomas, C., Law, B.: Random and systematic CO₂ flux sampling errors for tower measurements over forests in the convective boundary layer. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149(1), 73-83 (2009).

Thomas, C., Law, B., Irvine, J., Martin, J., Pettijohn, J., Davis, K.: Seasonal hydrology explains inter-annual and seasonal variation in carbon and water exchange in a semiarid mature Ponderosa Pine forest in Central Oregon. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 114(G4), G04006 (2009).

Vickers, D., Thomas, C., Martin, J., Law, B.: Self-correlation between assimilation and respiration resulting from flux partitioning of eddy-covariance CO₂ fluxes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149(9), 1552-1555 (2009).

Mahrt, L., Thomas, C., Prueger, J.: Space-time structure of mesoscale modes in the stable boundary layer. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 135 A(638), 67-75 (2009).


Thomas, C., Martin, J., Göckede, M., Siqueira, M., Foken, T., Law, B., Loescher, H., Katul, G.: Estimating daytime ecosystem respiration from conditional sampling methods applied to multi-scalar high frequency turbulence time series. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148(8/9), 1210-1229 (2008).

Waring, R., Nordmeyer, A., Whitehead, D., Hunt, J., Newton, M., Thomas, C., Irvine, J.: Why is the productivity of Douglas-fir higher in New Zealand than in its native range in the Pacific Northwest, USA?. Forest Ecology and Management, 255(12), 4040-4046 (2008).


Thomas, C., Foken, T.: Flux contribution of coherent structures and its implications for the exchange of energy and matter in a tall spruce canopy. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 123(2), 317-337 (2007).

Zhang, G., Thomas, C., Leclerc, M., Karipot, A., Gholz, H., Binford, M., Foken, T.: On the effect of clearcuts on turbulence structure above a forest canopy. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 88(1-2), 133-137 (2007).

Thomas, C., Foken, T.: Organised motion in a tall spruce canopy: temporal scales, structure spacing and terrain effects. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 122(1), 123-147 (2007).

Göckede, M., Thomas, C., Markkanen, T., Mauder, M., Ruppert, J., Foken, T.: Sensitivity of Lagrangian Stochastic footprints to turbulence statistics. Tellus B, 59(3), 577-586 (2007).


Thomas, C., Mayer, J., Meixner, F., Foken, T.: Analysis of the low-frequency turbulence above tall vegetation using a Doppler sodar. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 119(3), 563-587 (2006).

Ruppert, J., Mauder, M., Thomas, C., Lüers, J.: Innovative gap-filling strategy for annual sums of CO₂ net ecosystem exchange. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 138(1/4), 5-18 (2006).

Ruppert, J., Thomas, C., Foken, T.: Scalar similarity for relaxed Eddy accumulation methods. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 120(1), 39-63 (2006).

Foken, T., Wimmer, F., Mauder, M., Thomas, C., Liebethal, C.: Some aspects of the energy balance closure problem. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6, 4395-4402 (2006).


Thomas, C., Foken, T.: Detection of long-term coherent exchange over spruce forest using wavelet analysis. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 80(2-4), 91-104 (2005).

Books and Book sections


Thomas, C., Selker, J.: Optical Fiber-Based Distributed Sensing Methods. In: Thomas Foken (eds.): Springer Handbook of Atmospheric Measurements. - Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2021. - 611-633.


Thomas, C., Serafimovich, A., Siebicke, L., Gerken, T., Foken, T.: Coherent Structures and Flux Coupling. In: Thomas Foken (eds.): Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem. - Cham : Springer, 2017. - 113-135.

Foken, T., Göckede, M., Lüers, J., Siebicke, L., Rebmann, C., Ruppert, J., Thomas, C.: Development of Flux Data Quality Tools. In: Thomas Foken (eds.): Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem. - Cham : Springer, 2017. - 277-308.

Babel, W., Lüers, J., Hübner, J., Rebmann, C., Wichura, B., Thomas, C., Serafimovich, A., Foken, T.: Long-Term Carbon and Water Vapour Fluxes. In: Thomas Foken (eds.): Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem. - Cham : Springer, 2017. - 73-96.


Göckede, M., Thomas, C., Markkanen, T., Ruppert, J., Mauder, M., Foken, T.: On the sensitivity of Lagrangian stochastic footprint modeling to within canopy flow statistics derived from wavelet analysis. In: Reissell, Anni (Hrsg.): Integrated land ecosystem - atmosphere processes study : proceedings of the 1st iLEAPS Science Conference, Boulder Colorado, USA, 21 - 26 January 2006. - Helsinki : FAAR, 2006. - 247-249.


Koppmann, R., Kesselmeier, J., Meixner, F., Schatzmann, M., Leitl, B., Hoffmann, T., Dlugi, R., Zelger, M., Neftel, A., Dommen, J., Thomas, C., Neininger, B.: Emission and chemical transformation of biogenic volatile organic compounds (ECHO) – Investigations in and above a mixed forest stand. In: Results of the German Atmospheric Research Programme - AFO 2000. - Bonn : BMBF, 2005. - 29-39.


Rebmann, C., Anthoni, P., Falge, E., Göckede, M., Mangold, A., Subke, J., Thomas, C., Wichura, B., Schulze, E., Tenhunen, J., Foken, T.: Carbon budget of a spruce forest ecosystem. In: Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment : a German case study. - Berlin : Springer, 2004. - 143-160.


Thomas, C., Foken, T.: Re-evaluation of integral turbulence characteristics and their parameterisations. In: 15th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence : 15 - 19 July, 2002 Wageningen, the Netherlands. - Boston, Mass. : 2002. - 129-132.


Thomas, C., Wichura, B., Foken, T.: Integrale Turbulenzcharakteristiken : ein Überblick. In: Proceedings of the Deutsch-Österreichisch-Schweizerische Meteorologentagung : 18 to 21 Sept. 2001, Vienna. - Wien : 2001. - 223.

Other publications


Seidl, A., Johannessen, A., Dekhtyareva, A., Huss, J., Jonassen, M., Schulz, A., Hermansen, O., Thomas, C., Sodemann, H.: The ISLAS2020 field campaign : Studying the near-surface exchange process of stable water isotopes during the arctic wintertime. - s.l., 2024. -


Lapo, K., Freundorfer, A., Babel, W., Fritz, A., Martin, L., Bader, N., Schneider, J., Olesch, J., Thomas, C.: ERC DarkMix : Large Eddy Observatory, Voitsumra Experiment 2019 (LOVE19). - Bayreuth, 2020. 47 p.

Vogl, T., Hrdina, A., Thomas, C.: Choosing an Optimal β Factor for Relaxed Eddy Accumulation Applications Across Vegetated and non-Vegetated Surfaces. Biogeosciences Discussions, (2020).


Pfister, L., Sigmund, A., Thomas, C.: CADEX - Cold Air Drainage Experiment 2015 in the Ecological Botanical Gardens of the University of Bayreuth - Field Report. - Bayreuth, 2015. IV, 38 p.


Thomas, C.: Was, wenn wenig Wind weht?. Forum der Geoökologie, 25(3), 35-37 (2014).


Foken, T., Wimmer, F., Mauder, M., Thomas, C., Liebethal, C.: Some aspects of the energy balance closure problem. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 6, 3381-3402 (2006).


Thomas, C.: Detection and Analysis of Coherent Structures within and above Tall-vegetated Canopies. - Bayreuth: 2005.
(Thesis, 2005, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften)

Herold, G., Thomas, C., Foken, T.: The OP-2 open path infrared gas analyser for CO2 and H2O. - Bayreuth, 2005.


Thomas, C., Mayer, J., Meixner, F., Foken, T.: Detection of coherent structures in high frequent time series of a monostatic Sodar-Rass system. - (Paper), 12th International Symposium on Acoustic Remote Sensing, 11-16 July 2004, Cambridge, UK.

Thomas, C., Ruppert, J., Lüers, J., Schröter, J., Mayer, J., Bertolini, T.: Documentation of the WALDATEM-2003 Experiment April, 28th to August, 03rd 2003. - Bayreuth, 2004.

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