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Stefan Peiffer: Publications

Peer reviewed


Münch, M., van Kaam, R., As, K., Peiffer, S., ter Heerdt, G., Slomp, C., Behrends, T.: Impact of iron addition on phosphorus dynamics in sediments of a shallow peat lake 10 years after treatment. Water Research, 248, 120844 (2024).

Peiffer, S., Maisch, M., Kappler, A., Schmidt, C., Mansor, M., Obst, M., Frei, S.: Kinetic constraints for the formation of microniches for microaerophilic Fe(II) oxidation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 364, 211-223 (2024).

León Ninin, J., Kryschak, N., Peiffer, S., Planer-Friedrich, B.: Long-Term Paddy Soil Development Buffers the Increase in Arsenic Methylation and Thiolation after Sulfate Fertilization. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 72, 25045-25053 (2024).

Schmidtmann, J., Peiffer, S.: A rapid method to quantify sub-micrometer polystyrene particles in aqueous model systems by TOC analysis. Microplastics and Nanoplastics, 4, 3 (2024).

Paikaray, S., Peiffer, S.: Selenium enrichment, partitioning and leachability along semi-arid soils of NE Punjab, India. Environmental Earth Sciences, 83, 272 (2024).

As, K., Peiffer, S., Uhuegbue, P., Joshi, P., Kappler, A., Marouane, B., Hockmann, K.: Sulfate affinity controls phosphate sorption and the proto-transformation of schwertmannite. Chemical Geology, 653, 122043 (2024).


Opitz, J., Bauer, M., Alte, M., Peiffer, S.: Development of a novel sizing approach for passive mine water treatment systems based on ferric iron sedimentation kinetics. Water Research, 233, 119770 (2023).

Cramer, A., Schmidtmann, J., Benard, P., Kaestner, A., Engelhardt, M., Peiffer, S., Carminati, A.: Ferrihydrite coating reduces microplastic induced soil water repellency. Environmental Science : Processes & Impacts, 25(6), 1094-1101 (2023).

Wang, Q., Wang, J., Wang, X., Kumar, N., Pan, Z., Peiffer, S., Wang, Z.: Transformations of Ferrihydrite–Extracellular Polymeric Substance Coprecipitates Driven by Dissolved Sulfide : Interrelated Effects of Carbon and Sulfur Loadings. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(10), 4342-4353 (2023).


Schmidtmann, J., Elagami, H., Gilfedder, B., Fleckenstein, J., Papastavrou, G., Mansfeld, U., Peiffer, S.: Heteroaggregation of PS microplastic with ferrihydrite leads to rapid removal of microplastic particles from the water column. Environmental Science : Processes & Impacts, 24(10), 1782-1789 (2022).

Opitz, J., Bauer, M., Eckert, J., Peiffer, S., Alte, M.: Optimising Operational Reliability and Performance in Aerobic Passive Mine Water Treatment : the Multistage Westfield Pilot Plant. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 233, 66 (2022).

Blaurock, K., Garthen, P., da Silva, M., Beudert, B., Gilfedder, B., Fleckenstein, J., Peiffer, S., Lechtenfeld, O., Hopp, L.: Riparian Microtopography Affects Event‐Driven Stream DOC Concentrations and DOM Quality in a Forested Headwater Catchment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127(12), e2022JG006831 (2022).

Opitz, J., Bauer, M., Alte, M., Schmidtmann, J., Peiffer, S.: Sedimentation Kinetics of Hydrous Ferric Oxides in Ferruginous, Circumneutral Mine Water. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(10), 6360-6368 (2022).

Zhang, S., Peiffer, S., Liao, X., Yang, Z., Ma, X., He, D.: Sulfidation of ferric (hydr)oxides and its implication on contaminants transformation : a review. Science of the Total Environment, 816, 151574 (2022).

Ahmadi, P., Elagami, H., Dichgans, F., Schmidt, C., Gilfedder, B., Frei, S., Peiffer, S., Fleckenstein, J.: Systematic Evaluation of Physical Parameters affecting the Terminal Settling Velocity of Microplastic Particles in Lakes using CFD. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 875220 (2022).

Paikaray, S., Peiffer, S.: Arsenic fractionation and mobilization in agricultural soils of NE Punjab, India. Applied Geochemistry, 139, 105255 (2022).


Mansor, M., Drabesch, S., Bayer, T., Van Le, A., Chauhan, A., Schmidtmann, J., Peiffer, S., Kappler, A.: Application of Single-Particle ICP-MS to Determine the Mass Distribution and Number Concentrations of Environmental Nanoparticles and Colloids. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 8(7), 589-595 (2021).

Peiffer, S., Kappler, A., Haderlein, S., Schmidt, C., Byrne, J., Kleindienst, S., Vogt, C., Richnow, H., Obst, M., Angenent, L., Bryce, C., McCammon, C., Planer-Friedrich, B.: A biogeochemical–hydrological framework for the role of redox-active compounds in aquatic systems. Nature Geoscience, 14, 264-272 (2021).

Peiffer, S.: Comment on "FeS colloids – formation and mobilization pathways in natural waters" by Noël et al., Environ. Sci. Nano, 2020, 7, 2102–2116. Environmental Science : Nano, 8(6), 1815-1816 (2021).

Marouane, B., Chen, N., Obst, M., Peiffer, S.: Competing Sorption of Se(IV) and Se(VI) on Schwertmannite. Minerals, 11(7), 764 (2021).

da Silva, M., Blaurock, K., Beudert, B., Fleckenstein, J., Hopp, L., Peiffer, S., Reemtsma, T., Lechtenfeld, O.: Delineating Source Contributions to Stream Dissolved Organic Matter Composition Under Baseflow Conditions in Forested Headwater Catchments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126(8), e2021JG006425 (2021).

Blaurock, K., Beudert, B., Gilfedder, B., Fleckenstein, J., Peiffer, S., Hopp, L.: Low hydrological connectivity after summer drought inhibits DOC export in a forested headwater catchment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25(9), 5133-5151 (2021).

Marouane, B., Klug, M., As, K., Engel, J., Reichel, S., Janneck, E., Peiffer, S.: The potential of granulated schwertmannite adsorbents to remove oxyanions (SeO₃²⁻, SeO₄²⁻, MoO₄²⁻, PO₄³⁻, Sb(OH)₆⁻) from contaminated water. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 223, 106708 (2021).

Lu, T., Gilfedder, B., Peng, H., Peiffer, S., Papastavrou, G., Ottermann, K., Frei, S.: Relevance of Iron Oxyhydroxide and Pore Water Chemistry on the Mobility of Nanoplastic Particles in Water-Saturated Porous Media Environments. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 232, 168 (2021).

Opitz, J., Alte, M., Bauer, M., Peiffer, S.: The Role of Macrophytes in Constructed Surface-flow Wetlands for Mine Water Treatment : A Review. Mine Water and the Environment, 40(3), 587-605 (2021).

Yan, R., Kappler, A., Horn, M., Peiffer, S.: Towards a standardized protocol for studying chemolithoautotrophic denitrification with pyrite at circumneutral pH. Applied Geochemistry, 130, 104995 (2021).

Piatka, D., Wild, R., Hartmann, J., Kaule, R., Kaule, L., Gilfedder, B., Peiffer, S., Geist, J., Beierkuhnlein, C., Barth, J.: Transfer and transformations of oxygen in rivers as catchment reflectors of continental landscapes : A review. Earth-Science Reviews, 220, 103729 (2021).


Hockmann, K., Planer-Friedrich, B., Johnston, S., Peiffer, S., Burton, E.: Antimony mobility in sulfidic systems : Coupling with sulfide-induced iron oxide transformations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 282, 276-296 (2020).

Schröder, C., Wan, M., Butler, I., Tait, A., Peiffer, S., McCammon, C.: Identification of Mackinawite and Constraints on Its Electronic Configuration Using Mössbauer Spectroscopy. Minerals, 10(12), 1090 (2020).

Opitz, J., Alte, M., Bauer, M., Peiffer, S.: Quantifying iron removal efficiency of a passive mine water treatment system using turbidity as a proxy for (particulate) iron. Applied Geochemistry, 122, 104731 (2020).


Oldham, C., Beer, J., Blodau, C., Fleckenstein, J., Jones, L., Neumann, C., Peiffer, S.: Controls on iron(II) fluxes into waterways impacted by acid mine drainage : A Damköhler analysis of groundwater seepage and iron kinetics. Water Research, 153, 11-20 (2019).

Parra Suárez, S., Peiffer, S., Gebauer, G.: Origin and fate of nitrate runoff in an agricultural catchment: Haean, South Korea : Comparison of two extremely different monsoon seasons. Science of the Total Environment, 648, 66-79 (2019).

Schaller, J., Faucherre, S., Joss, H., Obst, M., Göckede, M., Planer-Friedrich, B., Peiffer, S., Gilfedder, B., Elberling, B.: Silicon increases the phosphorus availability of Arctic soils. Scientific Reports, 9, 449 (2019).

Kolbe, T., de Dreuzy, J., Abbott, B., Aquilina, L., Babey, T., Green, C., Fleckenstein, J., Labasque, T., Laverman, A., Marçais, J., Peiffer, S., Thomas, Z., Pinay, G.: Stratification of reactivity determines nitrate removal in groundwater. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116(7), 2494-2499 (2019).


Yan, R., Kappler, A., Muehe, E., Knorr, K., Horn, M., Poser, A., Lohmayer, R., Peiffer, S.: Effect of Reduced Sulfur Species on Chemolithoautotrophic Pyrite Oxidation with Nitrate. Geomicrobiology Journal, 36(1), 19-29 (2018).

Gilfedder, B., Peiffer, S., Pöschke, F., Spirkaneder, A.: Grundwasserzufluss zum Steißlinger See und Folgen für die Wasserchemie. Grundwasser, 23(2), 155-165 (2018).

Kim, K., Kim, B., Eum, J., Seo, B., Shope, C., Peiffer, S.: Impacts of Land Use Change and Summer Monsoon on Nutrients and Sediment Exports from an Agricultural Catchment. Water, 10(5), 544 (2018).

Weyer, C., Peiffer, S., Lischeid, G.: Stream water quality affected by interacting hydrological and biogeochemical processes in a riparian wetland. Journal of Hydrology, 563, 260-272 (2018).


Wan, M., Schröder, C., Peiffer, S.: Fe(III):S(-II) Concentration Ratio Controls the Pathway and the Kinetics of Pyrite Formation during Sulfidation of Ferric Hydroxides. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 217, 334-348 (2017).

Paikaray, S., Schröder, C., Peiffer, S.: Schwertmannite stability in anoxic Fe(II)-rich aqueous solution. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 217, 292-305 (2017).


Thomas, Z., Rousseau-Gueutin, P., Kolbe, T., Abbott, B., Marçais, J., Bishop, K., Peiffer, S., Frei, S., Pichelin, P., Pinay, G., de Dreuzy, J.: Constitution of a catchment virtual observatory for sharing flow and transport models outputs. Journal of Hydrology, 543, Part A, 59-66 (2016).

Frei, S., Peiffer, S.: Exposure times rather than residence times control redox transformation efficiencies in riparian wetlands. Journal of Hydrology, 543, Part A, 182-196 (2016).

Lu, S., Peiffer, S., Lazar, C., Oldham, C., Neu, T., Ciobota, V., Näb, O., Lillicrap, A., Rösch, P., Popp, J., Küsel, K.: Extremophile microbiomes in acidic and hypersaline river sediments of Western Australia. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 8(1), 58-67 (2016).

Kim, K., Kim, B., Knorr, K., Eum, J., Choi, Y., Jung, S., Peiffer, S.: Potential effects of sediment processes on water quality of an artificial reservoir in the Asian monsoon region. Inland Waters, 6(3), 423-435 (2016).

Peiffer, S.: Reaction time scales for sulphate reduction in sediments of acidic pit lakes and its relation to in-lake acidity neutralisation. Applied Geochemistry, 73, 8-12 (2016).


Yu, Z., Peiffer, S., Göttlicher, J., Knorr, K.: Electron transfer budgets and kinetics of abiotic oxidation and incorporation of aqueous sulfide by dissolved organic matter. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(9), 5441-5449 (2015).

Cánovas, C., Peiffer, S., Macías, F., Olias, M., Nieto, J.: Geochemical processes in a high acidic pit lake of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain). Chemical Geology, 395, 144-153 (2015).

Yan, R., Kappler, A., Peiffer, S.: Interference of Nitrite with Pyrite under Acidic Conditions : Implications for Studies of Chemolithotrophic Denitrification. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(19), 11403-11410 (2015).

Peiffer, S., Behrends, T., Hellige, K., Larese-Casanova, P., Wan, M., Pollok, K.: Pyrite formation and mineral transformation pathways upon sulfidation of ferric hydroxide depend on mineral type and sulfide concentration. Chemical Geology, 400, 44-55 (2015).

Pinay, G., Peiffer, S., de Dreuzy, J., Krause, S., Hannah, D., Fleckenstein, J., Sebilo, M., Bishop, K., Hubert-Moy, L.: Upscaling nitrogen removal capacity from local hotspots to low stream orders' drainage basins. Ecosystems, 18(6), 1101-1120 (2015).


Wan, M., Shchukarev, A., Lohmayer, R., Planer-Friedrich, B., Peiffer, S.: Occurrence of surface polysulphides during the interaction between ferric (hydr)oxides and aqueous sulphide. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(9), 5076-5084 (2014).

Paikaray, S., Göttlicher, J., Essilfie-Dughan, J., Pollok, K., Peiffer, S.: Redox Stability of As(III) on Schwertmannite Surfaces. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 265, 208-216 (2014).

Bartsch, S., Frei, S., Ruidisch, M., Shope, C., Peiffer, S., Kim, B., Fleckenstein, J.: River-aquifer exchange fluxes under monsoonal climate conditions. Journal of Hydrology, 509, 601-614 (2014).

Shope, C., Maharjan, G., Tenhunen, J., Seo, B., Kim, K., Riley, J., Arnhold, S., Koellner, T., Ok, Y., Peiffer, S., Kim, B., Park, J., Huwe, B.: Using the SWAT model to improve process descriptions and define hydrologic partitioning in South Korea. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18(2), 539-557 (2014).

Weyer, C., Peiffer, S., Schulze, K., Borken, W., Lischeid, G.: Catchments as heterogeneous and multi-species reactors : An integral approach for identifying biogeochemical hot-spots at the catchment scale. Journal of Hydrology, 519, Part B, 1560-1571 (2014).


Neubauer, E., von der Kammer, F., Knorr, K., Peiffer, S., Reichert, M., Hofmann, T.: Colloid-associated export of arsenic in stream water during stormflow events. Chemical Geology, 352, 81-91 (2013).

Strohmeier, S., Knorr, K., Reichert, M., Frei, S., Fleckenstein, J., Peiffer, S., Matzner, E.: Concentrations and fluxes of dissolved organic carbon in runoff from a forested catchment: Insights from high frequency measurements. Biogeosciences, 10, 905-916 (2013).

Oldham, C., Farrow, D., Peiffer, S.: A generalized Damköhler number for classifying material processing in hydrological systems. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17(3), 1133-1148 (2013).

Shope, C., Maharjan, G., Tenhunen, J., Seo, B., Kim, K., Riley, J., Arnhold, S., Koellner, T., Ok, Y., Peiffer, S., Kim, B., Park, J., Huwe, B.: An interdisciplinary SWAT ecohydrological model to define catchment-scale hydrologic partitioning. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 10, 7235-7290 (2013).

Bartsch, S., Shope, C., Arnhold, S., Jeong, J., Park, J., Eum, J., Kim, B., Peiffer, S., Fleckenstein, J.: Monsoonal-type climate or land-use management : Understanding their role in the mobilization of nitrate and DOC in a mountainous catchmen. Journal of Hydrology, 507, 149-162 (2013).

Neumann, C., Beer, J., Blodau, C., Peiffer, S., Fleckenstein, J.: Spatial patterns of groundwater-lake exchange - implications for acid neutralization processes in an acid mine lake. Hydrological Processes, 27(22), 3240-3253 (2013).

Shope, C., Bartsch, S., Kim, K., Kim, B., Tenhunen, J., Peiffer, S., Park, J., Ok, Y., Fleckenstein, J., Koellner, T.: A weighted, multi-method approach for accurate basin-wide streamflow estimation in an ungauged watershed. Journal of Hydrology, 494, 72-82 (2013).


Paikaray, S., Peiffer, S.: Abiotic schwertmannite transformation kinetics and the role of sorbed As(III). Applied Geochemistry, 27(3), 590-597 (2012).

Paikaray, S., Göttlicher, J., Peiffer, S.: As(III) retention kinetics, equilibrium and redox stability on biosynthesized schwertmannite and its fate and control on schwertmannite stability on acidic (pH 3.0) aqueous exposure. Chemosphere, 86, 557-564 (2012).

Paikaray, S., Peiffer, S.: Biotic and Abiotic Schwertmannites as Scavengers for As(III): Mechanisms and Effects. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 223(6), 2933-2942 (2012).

Hellige, K., Pollok, K., Larese-Casanova, P., Behrends, T., Peiffer, S.: Pathways of ferrous iron mineral formation upon sulfidation of lepidocrocite surfaces. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 81(15), 69-81 (2012).

Frei, S., Knorr, K., Peiffer, S., Fleckenstein, J.: Surface micro-topography causes hot spots of biogeochemical activity in wetland systems : a virtual modeling experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 117(G4), G00N12 (2012).


Bauer, M., Gassen, N., Stanjek, H., Peiffer, S.: Carbonation of lignite fly ash at ambient T and P in a semi-dry reaction system for CO₂ sequestration. Applied Geochemistry, 26(8), 1502-1512 (2011).

Sultan, K., Shazili, N., Peiffer, S.: Distribution of Pb, As, Cd, Sn and Hg in soil, sediment and surface water of the tropical river watershed, Terengganu (Malaysia). Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 5(3), 169-176 (2011).

Paikaray, S., Göttlicher, J., Peiffer, S.: Removal of As(III) from acidic waters using schwertmannite: Surface speciation and effect of synthesis pathway. Chemical Geology, 283(3/4), 134-142 (2011).

Back, M., Bauer, M., Stanjek, H., Peiffer, S.: Sequestration of CO2 after reaction with alkaline earth metal oxides CaO and MgO. Applied Geochemistry, 26(7), 1097-1107 (2011).


Paikaray, S., Peiffer, S.: Dissolution Kinetics of Sulfate from Schwertmannite under Variable pH Conditions. Mine Water and the Environment, 29(4), 263-269 (2010).


Peiffer, S., Oldham, C., Salmon, U., Lillicrap, A., Küsel, K.: Does Iron Cycling Trigger Generation of Acidity in Groundwaters of Western Australia?. Environmental Science & Technology, 43(17), 6548-6552 (2009).

Weiss, A., Jérôme, V., Burghardt, D., Likke, L., Peiffer, S., Hofstetter, E., Gabler, R., Freitag, R.: Investigation of factors influencing biogas production in a large-scale thermophilic municipal biogas plant. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 84(5), 987-1001 (2009).


Hopp, L., Nico, P., Marcus, M., Peiffer, S.: Arsenic and Chromium Partitioning in a Podzolic Soil Contaminated by Chromated Copper Arsenate. Environmental Science & Technology, 42(17), 6481-6486 (2008).

Jha, M., Namgial, D., Kamii, Y., Peiffer, S.: Hydraulic Parameters of Coastal Aquifer Systems by Direct Methods and an Extended Tide–Aquifer Interaction Technique. Water Resources Management, 22(12), 1899-1923 (2008).

Back, M., Kühn, M., Stanjek, H., Peiffer, S.: Reactivity of Alkaline Lignite Fly Ashes towards CO₂ in Water. Environmental Science & Technology, 42(12), 4520-4526 (2008).


Jha, M., Chowdhury, A., Chowdary, V., Peiffer, S.: Groundwater Management and Development by integrated Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems: Prospects and Constraints. Water Resources Management, 21(2), 427-467 (2007).

Peiffer, S., Gade, W.: Reactivity of ferric oxides toward H₂S at low pH. Environmental Science & Technology, 41(9), 3159-3164 (2007).

Blodau, C., Mayer, B., Peiffer, S., Moore, T.: Support for an anaerobic sulfur cycle in two Canadian peatland soils. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 112(G2), G02004 (2007).


Marczinek, S., Schäfer, W., Peiffer, S.: Identifizierung und Quantifizierung natürlicher Abbauprozesse in einem mit Chlorethenen kontaminierten Grundwasserleiter. Grundwasser, 11(3), 207-216 (2006).

Hopp, L., Peiffer, S., Durner, W.: Spatial Variability of Arsenic and Chromium in the Soil Water at a Former Wood Preserving Site. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 85(3/4), 159-178 (2006).


Regenspurg, S., Peiffer, S.: Arsenate and chromate incorporation in schwertmannite. Applied Geochemistry, 20(6), 1226-1239 (2005).


Buczko, U., Hopp, L., Berger, W., Durner, W., Peiffer, S., Scheithauer, M.: Simulation of chromium transport in the unsaturated zone for predicting contaminant entries into the groundwater. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 167(3), 284-292 (2004).

Regenspurg, S., Brand, A., Peiffer, S.: Formation and stability of schwertmannite in acidic mining lakes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68(6), 1185-1197 (2004).

Meckler, A., Schubert, C., Cowie, G., Peiffer, S., Dittrich, M.: New organic matter degradation proxies: Valid in lake systems?. Limnology and Oceanography, 49(6), 2023-2033 (2004).

Heimann, A., Marczinek, S., Kloos, K., Peiffer, S.: Optimization of the Sampling Technique for the Determination of Dissolved Hydrogen in Groundwater. Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica, 31(6), 491-500 (2004).


Blodau, C., Peiffer, S.: Thermodynamics and organic matter: constraints on neutralization processes in highly acidic waters. Applied Geochemistry, 18(1), 25-36 (2003).


Schulz-Gade, W., Peiffer, S.: The coupling of the oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds with the reduction of Fe(III)-minerals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 66(Suppl. 1), A691 (2002).

Laskov, C., Amelung, W., Peiffer, S.: Organic matter preservation in the sediment of an acidic mining lake. Environmental Science & Technology, 36(20), 4218-4223 (2002).

Regenspurg, S., Gößner, A., Peiffer, S., Küsel, K.: Potential Remobilization of Toxic Anions during Reduction of Arsenated and Chromated Schwertmannite by the Dissimilatory Fe(III)-Reducing Bacterium Acidiphilium cryptum JF-5. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution : Focus, 2(3), 57-67 (2002).


Küsel, K., Roth, U., Trinkwalter, T., Peiffer, S.: Effect of pH on the anaerobic microbial cycling of sulfur in mining-impacted freshwater lake sediments. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 46(3), 213-223 (2001).

Calmano, W., Bilitewski, U., Flemming, H., Hofmann, T., Peiffer, S., Ternes, T., Wilken, R.: The German Water Chemical Society: Actual Trends and Fields of Research in the Principle Committee “Basic Research”. Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica, 29(6/7), 419-427 (2001).


Peine, A., Küsel, K., Tritschler, A., Peiffer, S.: Electron flow in an iron-rich acidic sedimant - evidence for an acidity-driven iron cycle. Limnology and Oceanography, 45(5), 1077-1087 (2000).

Blodau, C., Peine, A., Hoffmann, S., Peiffer, S.: Organic matter diagenesis in acidic mining lakes. Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica, 28(3), 123-135 (2000).

Rothenhöfer, P., Sahin, H., Peiffer, S.: Verringerung der Schwermetall- und Sulfatbelastung in sauren bergbaubelasteten Gewässern durch Aluminiumpräzipitate. Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica, 28(3), 136-144 (2000).


Peiffer, S., Walton-Day, K., Macalady, D.: The interaction of natural organic matter with iron in a wetland (Tennessee Park, Colorado) receiving acid mine drainage. Aquatic Geochemistry, 5(2), 207-223 (1999).

Peiffer, S., Stubert, I.: The oxidation of pyrite at pH 7 in the presence of reducing and nonreducing Fe(III)-chelators. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 63(19/20), 3171-3182 (1999).

Schulz, K., Huwe, B., Peiffer, S.: Parameter uncertainty in chemical equilibrium calculations using fuzzy set theory. Journal of Hydrology, 217(1-2), 119-134 (1999).


Peiffer, S.: Geochemical and microbiological processes in sediments and at the sediment-water interface of acidic lignite-mining lakes. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 108(3-4), 227-229 (1998).

Blodau, C., Hoffmann, S., Peine, A., Peiffer, S.: Iron and sulfate reduction in the sediments of acidic mine lake 116 (Brandenburg, Germany): Rates and geochemical evaluation. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 108(3-4), 249-270 (1998).

Sahin, H., Dieffenbach, A., Kaupenjohann, M., Peiffer, S.: Neutralization of atmospheric acid inputs in small spring catchments in the Frankenwald mountains, Germany. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 102, 117-138 (1998).

Kleber, A., Lindemann, J., Schellenberger, A., Beierkuhnlein, C., Kaupenjohann, M., Peiffer, S.: Slope deposits and water paths in a spring catchment, Frankenwald, Bavaria, Germany. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 50, 119-126 (1998).


Becker, U., Peiffer, S.: Heavy-metal ion complexation by particulate matter in the leachate of solid waste : a multi-method approach. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 24(3-4), 313-344 (1997).

Kammerer, G., Peiffer, S., Kaupenjohann, M.: Die Identifikation von Schwefel-Festphasen in heterogenen Systemen mit Hilfe spektroskopischer und mikroskopischer Methoden. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 85(3), 1525-1528 (1997).

Peiffer, S., Beierkuhnlein, C., Sandhage-Hofmann, A., Kaupenjohann, M., Bär, S.: Impact of high aluminium loading on a small catchment area (thuringia slate mining area) : geochemical transformations and hydrological transport. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 94(3-4), 401-416 (1997).

Wittke, R., Ludwig, W., Peiffer, S., Kleiner, D.: Isolation and characterization of Burkholderia norimbergensis sp. nov., a mildly alkaliphilic sulfur oxidizer. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 20(4), 549-553 (1997).

Kammerer, G., Kaupenjohann, M., Peiffer, S.: Der Nachweis von Schwefelfestphasen auf Gibbsitoberflächen mittels SEM, XPS und XFA. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 83, 33-36 (1997).


Martin, N., Schuster, I., Peiffer, S.: Two experimental methods to determine the speciation of Cadmium in sediment from the River Neckar. Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica, 24(2), 68-76 (1996).


Peiffer, S.: Predicting trace-metal speciation in sulphidic leachates from anaerobic solid-waste digestors by use of the pH₂S-value as a master variable. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 16(3), 289-313 (1994).

Peiffer, S., Becker, U., Herrmann, R.: The role of particulate matter in the mobilization of trace metals during anaerobic digestion of solid waste material. Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica, 22(3), 130-137 (1994).


Peiffer, S., dos Santos Afonso, M., Wehrli, B., Gächter, R.: Kinetics and mechanism of the reaction of H₂S with lepidocrocite. Environmental Science & Technology, 26, 2408-2413 (1992).

Peiffer, S., Klemm, O., Pecher, K., Hollerung, R.: Redox measurements in aqueous solutions - a theoretical approach to data interpretation, based on electrode kinetics. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 10(1), 1-18 (1992).


Striebel, T., Schäfer, W., Peiffer, S.: How does landfill leachate affect the chemical processes in a lake system downgradient from a landfill site?. Aquatic Sciences, 53(4), 346-366 (1991).

Klemm, O., Peiffer, S.: The Use of Silver Ion Buffers for Calibrating a pH₂S Electrode Cell. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 45(4), 245-255 (1991).


Staudinger, B., Peiffer, S., Avnimelech, Y., Berman, T.: Phosphorus mobility in interstitial waters of sediments in Lake Kinneret, Israel. Hydrobiologia, 207(1), 167-177 (1990).


Peiffer, S., Bergstein-Ben Dan, T., Frevert, T., Cavari, B.: Survival of E. Coli and Enterococci in sediment-water systems of lake Kinneret under (feedback) controlled concentrations of hydrogen sulfide. Water Research, 22(2), 233-240 (1988).


Peiffer, S., Frevert, T.: Potentiometric determination of heavy metal sulphide solubilities using a pH²S (glass|Ag°, Ag₂S) electrode cell. Analyst, 112, 951-954 (1987).

Books and Book sections


Schäfer, W., Alte, M., Bauer, M., Söll, T., Peiffer, S.: Quantification of Acidity Deposition in the Sediment of a former lignite mining lake in the Wackersdorf Mining District (Eastern Bavaria). In: Carsten Drebenstedt, Michael Paul (eds.): Mining meets water - conflicts and solutions : Proceedings IMWA 2016. - Freiberg : Technische Universität Bergakademie, 2016. - 236-250.

Peiffer, S., Wan, M.: Reductive dissolution and reactivity of Ferric (hydr)oxides : new insights and implications for environmental redox processes. In: Damien Faivre (eds.): Iron Oxides : from nature to applications. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2016. - 29-51.

Klug, M., Janneck, E., Reichel, S., Peiffer, S.: Treatment of chromate(VI) and vandate(V) polluted wastewaters using schwertmannite adsorbents. In: Carsten Drebenstedt, Michael Paul (eds.): Mining meets water - conflicts and solutions : Proceedings IMWA 2016. - Freiberg : Technische Universität Bergakademie, 2016. - 1012-1014.


Peiffer, S., Knorr, K., Blodau, C.: The Role of Iron Minerals for the Biogeochemistry of Acid Pit Lakes. In: Geller, Walter (Hrsg.): Acidic pit lakes : the legacy of coal and metal surface mines. - Berlin : Springer, 2011. - 57-62.

Kurtz, W., Peiffer, S.: The role of transport in aquatic redox chemistry. In: Tratnyek, Paul G. ; Grundl, Timothy J. ; Haderlein, Stefan P. (Hrsg.): Aquatic Redox Chemistry. - Washington : American Chemical Society, 2011. - 559-580.


Paikaray, S., Peiffer, S.: Sorption and surface oxidation of As(III) by Fe-oxyhydroxysulfates in acidic medium. In: Jean, Jiin-Shuh ; Bundschuh, Jochen ; Bhattacharya, Prosun (Hrsg.): Arsenic in Geosphere and Human Diseases : As 2010. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2010. - 414-415.


Kühn, M., Clauser, C., Vosbeck, K., Stanjek, H., Meyn, V., Back, M., Peiffer, S.: Mineral Trapping of CO₂ in Operated Hydrogeothermal Reservoirs. In: Grobe, Matthias ; Pashin, Jack C. ; Dodge, Rebecca L. (Hrsg.): Carbon dioxide sequestration in geological media : state of the science. - Tulsa, Okla. : AAPG, 2009. - 545-552.


Beierkuhnlein, C., Foken, T., Schmid, N., Wolf, B., Gohlke, A., Alt, M., Thomas, S., Stahlmann, R., Dech, S., Jentsch, A., Kuzyakov, Y., Matzner, E., Menzel, A., Peiffer, S., Rötzer, T., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Tenhunen, J., Walther, G., Burghardt, D., Wiesenberg, G., Glaser, B., Jacobeit, J., Pretzsch, H., Beck, C., Melzer, A., Erhard, D.: Klimawandel in Bayern : Auswirkungen und Anpassungsmöglichkeiten. - Bayreuth : 2008.


Jha, M., Peiffer, S.: Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies in Groundwater Hydrology: Past, Present and Future. - Bayreuth : BayCEER, 2006. - VIII, 201


Blodau, C., Peiffer, S.: Deposition of organic matter and schwertmannite controls neutralization rates in sediments of acidic mine lakes. In: Schulz, Horst D. (Hrsg.): Geochemical processes in soil and groundwater: measurement - modelling - upscaling ; GeoProc 2002. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2003. - 241-258.


Blodau, C., Peiffer, S.: Deposition und Transformation des Eisenminerals Schwertmannit unterdrückt die interne Neutralisation in Restseen des Braunkohletagebaus. In: Deneke, Rainer (Hrsg.): Tagungsband zum Workshop "Biogene Alkalinitätsproduktion und Neutralisierung als ergänzende Strategie für die Restaurierung von extrem sauren Tagebauseen": 11. - 12. März 2002 an der BTU Cottbus. - Cottbus : 2002. - 81-86.


Peine, A., Peiffer, S.: In-Lake Neutralization of Acid Mine Lakes. In: Walter Geller (eds.): Acidic mining lakes : acid mine drainage, limnology and reclamation. - Berlin : Springer, 1998. - 47-64.


Peiffer, S., Pecher, K.: Experimentelle Aquatische Chemie. - Heidelberg : Spektrum, Akad. Verl., 1997. - 177

Peiffer, S.: Die Oxidation von Eisensulfiden und ihre Auswirkung auf die Umwelt. In: Biologie und Chemie der Altlasten. - Weinheim : VCH, 1997. - 131-139.

Peiffer, S.: Physikalische und chemische Randbedingungen für die Bewertung des Verhaltens von Schadstoffen in Böden und Grundwasser. In: Chemie und Biologie der Altlasten. - Weinheim : VCH, 1997. - 100-103.

Peiffer, S.: Umweltgeochemische Bedeutung der Bildung und Oxidation von Pyrit in Gewässersedimenten. - Bayreuth : Bayreuther Inst. für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung, 1997. - 89


Wittke, R., Peiffer, S., Kleiner, D.: Isolation, identification and characterization of bacterial strains capable of heterotrophic sulphur oxidation. In: Simon, Meinhard ; Güde, Hans ; Weisse, Thomas (Hrsg.): Aquatic microbial ecology : Proceedings of the 6. International Workshop on the Measurement of Microbial Activities in the Cycling of Matter in Aquatic Environments, Konstanz, Germany, 17-22 April 1995. - Stuttgart : Schweizerbart, 1996. - 15-20.

Peine, A., Peiffer, S.: Neutralisation processes in acid mine lake sediments. In: Simon, Meinhard ; Güde, Hans ; Weisse, Thomas (Hrsg.): Aquatic microbial ecology : Proceedings of the 6. International Workshop on the Measurement of Microbial Activities in the Cycling of Matter in Aquatic Environments, Konstanz, Germany, 17-22 April 1995. - Stuttgart : Schweizerbart, 1996. - 261-267.


Lindemann, J., Peiffer, S., Herrmann, R., Kaupenjohann, M., Zech, W.: Ökosysteminterne Neutralisierung atmosphärischer Säureeinträge durch redoxchemische Prozesse in Quellmooren (Frankenwald, NO-Bayern). In: Internationales Symposium Grundwasserversauerung durch Atmosphärische Deposition - Ursachen, Auswirkungen, Sanierungsstrategien: 26. - 28. Oktober 1994, Bayreuth, Deutschland. - München : 1995. - 197-200.

Other publications


Hofstetter, E., Gabler, R., Peiffer, S., Hilbrig, F., Freitag, R.: Ammoniakstrippung an einer etablierten, thermophilen Biogasanlage - technische und wirtschaftliche Evaluierung. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 81(7), 921-932 (2009).

Treskatis, C., Hein, C., Peiffer, S., Hermann, F.: Brunnenalterung: Sind Glaskugeln einen Alternative zum Filterkies nach DIN 4924?. Bbr : Fachmagazin für Brunnen- und Leitungsbau, 60(4), 36-44 (2009).

Paikaray, S., Peiffer, S.: The effect of Fe(II) on schwertmannite transformation and its interference with As. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73(13), A986 (2009).


Berger, W., Scheuering, I., Peiffer, S.: Emissionsabschätzung aus kontaminierten Materialien - was können Labormethoden hierzu leisten?. Altlasten-Spektrum, 2006(3), 154-161 (2006).


Hopp, L., Peiffer, S.: Eignung von Elutionsverfahren zur Abschätzung der Mobilität von Arsen und Chrom. Vom Wasser, 103(4), 3-34 (2005).


Rothenhöfer, P., Huber, A., Kindsmüller, W., Wohnlich, S., Peiffer, S.: Begrenzung des Kalziumkarbonatgehalts für Deponiegasdränschichtmaterialien (auf 10 M.-%): Ist diese TASi-Vorschrift aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht noch haltbar?. Müll und Abfall, (1), 33-41 (2002).


Rothenhöfer, P., Huber, A., Kainzmaier, B., Wohnlich, S., Peiffer, S.: Ein Vergleich von vier Methoden zur Bestimmung des Karbonatgehaltes. Wasser & Boden, 52, 37-42 (2000).


Peiffer, S., Köster, R., Förstner, U.: Altlasten und Grundwasser - Geowissenschaftliche Ansätze zum Schutz des Grundwassers vor Schadstoffeinträgen aus Altablagerungen und Altstandorten. Vom Wasser, 91, 351-354 (1998).

Peine, A., Peiffer, S.: Neutralisierungsprozesse in Sedimenten saurer Restseen des Braunkohletagebaus. Wasserkalender, 33, 48-72 (1998).


Peiffer, S., Stubert, I., Bär, S.: Die Mobilisierung von Cadmium aus gut gepufferten, pH-neutralen Sedimenten infolge der Oxidation von Eisensulfiden. Wasser & Boden, 48, 62-65 (1996).


Stubert, I., Wittke, R., Kleiner, D., Peiffer, S.: Experimenteller Ansatz zur Ermittlung des Einflusses chemischer und biologischer Faktoren auf die Oxidationskinetik von Pyrit unter pH-neutralen Bedingungen. Vom Wasser, 80, 283-302 (1993).


Peiffer, S.: Der pH2S-Wert - ein Maß für die Koordinationstendenz von Metallionen in wässrigen sulfidischen Systemen. Teil 1: Theoretische Einführung. Vom Wasser, 76, 267-285 (1991).

Peiffer, S.: Der pH2S-Wert - ein Maß für die Koordinationstendenz von Metallionen in wässrigen sulfidischen Systemen. Teil 2: Anwendungsbeispiel Müllsickerwasser. Vom Wasser, 77, 133-158 (1991).


Rehding, C., Herrmann, R., Peiffer, S.: Mobilität von Spurenmetallen im Verlauf des anaeroben Abbaus fester kommunaler Abfälle. Vom Wasser, 75, 229-231 (1990).

Rehding, C., Herrmann, R., Peiffer, S.: Schwermetallmobilität im Verlauf des anaeroben Abbaus fester kommunaler Abfälle. Vom Wasser, 75, 229-243 (1990).


Schramm, K., Lenoir, D., Peiffer, S., Hutzinger, O.: Azo-Verbindungen : Halbstufenpotentiale als Maß für das abiotische Abbaupotential in anaeroben Systemen. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung, 1(2), 7-9 (1989).

Peiffer, S.: Biogeochemische Regulation der Spurenmetallöslichkeit während der anaeroben Zersetzung fester kommunaler Abfälle. - : 1989.
(Thesis, 1989, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften)


Schäfer, W., Peiffer, S.: Einsatz von Dialysierbeuteln zur Charakterisierung der Grundwasserbeschaffenheit im Abstrom einer Mülldeponie.. Zeitschrift für Wasser- und Abwasserforschung, 20, 197-202 (1988).


Frevert, T., Peiffer, S., Pecher, K.: Concentrations of heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu and Hg) as determined by anodic stripping voltammetry in freshwater ponds at Tarawa Atoll, Central Pacific. Micronesica, 21, 257-266 (1987).


Peiffer, S., Peters, K., Frevert, T.: Ein neues vereinfachtes Eichverfahren der direktpotentiometrischen pH2S-Messkette. Das Gas- und Wasserfach / Ausgabe Wasser, Abwasser, 127, 31-32 (1986).

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