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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Micrometeorology - Prof. Christoph Thomas

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News Archive

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2017-10-02Summer school 2017 "Experimental Micrometeorology" ...more
2017-06-20Farewell Gnuplot! ...more
2017-05-24New staff member ...more
2017-05-14Student poster award ...more
2016-12-20Illuminating the dark side of weather and climate - ERC Consolidator Grant awarded ...more
2016-11-07Waldstein main tower: basement ballast repaired ...more
2016-06-01Research at the Schneeberg summit commences ...more
2016-04-25Preparatory meeting: experimental Micrometeorology on 27 April ...more
2016-02-10New bachelor student: Nicolas Wagner ...more
2015-12-14New Master student: Laura Ehrnsperger ...more
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