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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Micrometeorology - Prof. Christoph Thomas

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Running Bachelor Thesis

Felix HeuringInvestigation of the radiation error and heat transport at the snow air interface using fibre optic distributed sensing during the polar night in Adventdalen, Svalbard
Lisa HummelAtmospheric flow in an urban street canyon
Tino SchneidewindChanges in precipitation distribution and intensity and their consequences on water balance in the Fichtelgebrige, northern Bavaria
Christian DobmeierSpatial variability of climate elements from the urban observational network in Bayreuth
Oliver SchappacherUntersuchung der veränderten Strömungsverhältnisse nach einem Dammdruchbruch im Quartier Kreuzstein auf das Stadtgebiet von Bayreuth mithilfe stationärer Langzeitmessungen und mobiler Spurengaserfassung >> more...
Julian BojanowskiSpatial heterogeneity of turbulent flow in an urban street canyon
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