Felix Heuring | Investigation of the radiation error and heat transport at the snow air interface using fibre optic distributed sensing during the polar night in Adventdalen, Svalbard |
Lisa Hummel | Atmospheric flow in an urban street canyon |
Tino Schneidewind | Changes in precipitation distribution and intensity and their consequences on water balance in the Fichtelgebrige, northern Bavaria |
Christian Dobmeier | Spatial variability of climate elements from the urban observational network in Bayreuth |
Oliver Schappacher | Untersuchung der veränderten Strömungsverhältnisse nach einem Dammdruchbruch im Quartier Kreuzstein auf das Stadtgebiet von Bayreuth mithilfe stationärer Langzeitmessungen und mobiler Spurengaserfassung >> more... |
Julian Bojanowski | Spatial heterogeneity of turbulent flow in an urban street canyon |