Waldstein «Weidenbrunnen»
Meteorological Tower (32 m tall) located in a coniferous forest (775 m a. s. l.)
Current Data and Diagrams
Parameters are recorded and updated online as 10 minute averages or sums.
Parameter | Graphiken | |
Air temperature | 5 days | 30 days |
Wind speed and direction | 5 days | 30 days |
Radiation | 5 days | 30 days |
Weather code and visibility | 5 days | 30 days |
Soil measurements | 5 days | 30 days |
At a glance
Station description
Operating since | 1994 |
Type | 32 m tower |
Location | spruce forest, northern Fichtelgebirge |
Coordinates | 50° 08' 31'' N, 11° 52' 01'' E |
Speciality | International flux station DE-Bay (FLUXNET) |
New installation of the soil measurement complex in August 2007
Any comments are appreciated: klima@bayceer.uni-bayreuth.de