Bachelor Thesis
Dynamics of the boundary layer profile and surface parameters at the Schneeberg summit in the Fichtelgebirge Mountains
Sarah Holden (02/2016-12/2016)
Support: Christoph Thomas
This work presents a 2 month meteorological research of the atmospheric boundary layer on the Schneeberg in the Fichtelgebirge Mountains. The data was collected by acoustic remote sensing with a Doppler Sodar. Data was retrieved in 98 heights starting from 10m to 495m with a 5m height resolution. By investigating the parameters wind direction, velocity, standard deviation of the vertical wind and wind direction difference, a wind profile for these heights was created and dominant wind flow regimes were defined. Special emphasis was placed upon the difference between Day and Night to detect a possible decoupling of wind systems in the valley and the mountain top. The results show that the dominant wind direction is West-Southwest and wind velocities in a range of 7ms−1 to 8ms−1 were common. The σW is usually around 0.3ms−1 and 0.7ms−1 and the differences mostly under 50°. Significant changes, which would indicate a decoupling of wind systems, could not be detected.