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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Micrometeorology - Prof. Christoph Thomas

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Seminar: Seminar for Micrometeorology and Atmospheric Chemistry (28004)

SS 2015
Mo.: 16:15-17:45, S21

Christoph Thomas, Andreas Held, Wolfgang Babel

Seminar for staff members, postdocs, PhD candidates and students of the groups of Micrometeorology and Atmospheric Chemistry


Date Topic Lecturer
20.04.2015 Introduction to Bachelor theses offered Thomas, Held, Babel
no seminar this day
04.05.2015 Influence of pasture degradation on carbon and water cycles on the Tibetan Plateau

Outline PhD thesis Kanisios Mukwashi: "Investigating climatic factors and land use as main determinants of carbon and turbulent exchange in natural and disturbed South African ecosystems"

Project presentation ArsAfricae: "An Overview of the BMBF project Adaptive Resilience of Southern African Ecosystems"

Kanisios Mukwashi


Eva Falge

18.05.2015 Influence of pasture degradation on carbon and water cycles on the Tibetan Plateau (rerun)
25.05.2015 Whit Monday: no seminar this day
01.06.2015 Using high-resolution fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing to measure spatially resolved speed and temperature of airflows in a shallow gully Thomas
08.06.2015 Master thesis in atmospheric chemistry: "Eddy covariance measurement of particle fluxes in the city of Innsbruck" Lisa von der Heyden
13.07.2015 Master thesis: "Dynamics of transient cold air on a gentle slope and cold-air pooling above a lake using fiber optic distributed temperature sensing" and bachelor thesis: "Untersuchung der bodennahen Temperaturgradienten bei Kaltluftentstehung an einem schwach geneigten Hang mithilfe der Distributed Temperature Sensing Methode"
Lena Pfister, Armin Sigmund

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