Lecture: Advanced Micrometeorology: Exchange of carbon and energy at the air - vegetation - interface (28351)
SS 2016
Th.: 08:15-09:45, S21
Christoph Thomas
M. Sc. Geoecology, Modules PM 1.4, PM 4
Start on Thursday, 14 April
Examination: Date will be announced
The water and carbon cycles are presented, for different ecosystem types, starting from the atmosphere on global scale and including anthopogenic influences. A special focus will be measurement and modeling of the atmosphere - vegetation exchange above high vegetation, which requires volume-based descriptions rather than of point-based descriptions as taught in FM1. Measurement and modeling techniques were described for both short process studies and long-term monitoring infrastructure (Fluxnet). Specific processes were highlighted like coherent structures and sub-mesoscale motions as well as stable isotopes as a method to characterize concentration profiles and fluxes
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