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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Micrometeorology - Prof. Christoph Thomas

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Seminar: Seminar for Micrometeorology and Atmospheric Chemistry (28004)

SS 2017
Mo.: 16:15-17:45, S21

Christoph Thomas, Andreas Held, Wolfgang Babel

Seminar for staff members, postdocs, PhD candidates and students of the groups of Micrometeorology and Atmospheric Chemistry

Scedule (will be filled)

Date Topic Lecturer
08.05.2017 Introduction to Bachelor and master theses offered Thomas, Held, Babel
 15.05.2017  Proposal Master thesis Janine Lückerath
 22.05.2017  ---  
 29.05.2017 Proposal Bachelor thesis
Proposal Master thesis
Leon Steinmeier
Leila Schuh
 05.06.2017 Pentecost  
 12.06.2017  -  
 19.06.2017  -  
 26.06.2017 Proposal Bachelor thesis
Proposal Bachelor thesis
Armin Sigmund
Tobias Linhardt
 03.07.2017 Characterisation of particle size distributions and
corresponding size-segregated turbulent fluxes in atmosphere
Marianna Conte
10.07.2017 Master Thesis: "Erhebung und Auswertung von Windregimen in dichten Waldbeständen" Tobias Wunder
17.07.2017 Master Thesis: "Experimental evaluation of the significance of the pressure transport term in the Turbulence Kinetic Energy budget across contrasting forest architectures" Laura Ehrnsperger


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