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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Micrometeorology - Prof. Christoph Thomas

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Seminar: Seminar for Micrometeorology and Atmospheric Chemistry (28004)

SS 2019
Mo.: 16:15-17:45, S21

Christoph Thomas, Wolfgang Babel

Seminar for staff members, postdocs, PhD candidates and students of the groups of Micrometeorology and Atmospheric Chemistry. Fixed time and location is Mo, 16-18 in S21, if not indicated otherwise


Date Topic Lecturer
16.05.2019, 11:00 in S25 Overview of his current research Dr. Shravan Muppa, Univ. of Hohenheim
20.05.2019 Proposal B.Sc.: "Observation of the lower atmospheric boundary layer with fiber optical distributed sensing"
Proposal B.Sc. about boundary layer dynamics observed with Sodar RASS and wind lidar, title tba
Antonia Fritz

Lioba Martin
27.05.2019 Proposal M.Sc.: "Late frost limitation of European beech in mid-range mountains, Fichtelgebirge, Germany"
Proposal M.Sc., title tba
Judith Eisenbacher

Wolfgang Fischer
03.06.2019 Proposal M.Sc.: "Quantitative detection of microplastics, study of their transport and deposition"
Proposal B.Sc.: "Evolution and processes of the nocturnal and convective boundary-layers
from ceilometer data at the LOVE site"
Ricardo Robledo

Nico Bader
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01.07.2019 Proposal B.Sc.: "Variabilität der Frostdynamik in unterschiedlichen Landschaftstypen" Inke Grosche
08.07.2019 Proposal B.Sc. about measurement of cold air drainage, and proposal M.Sc. about LES modelling within the MisKOR project, titles tba. Andreas Tschuschke Leyla Sungur
22.07.2019  Final presentation M.Sc.: "Carbon and energy exchange at a submontane grassland site in an extremely dry year" Valentin Heinzelmann


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