Seminar: Seminar for Micrometeorology and Atmospheric Chemistry (28004)
WS 2019/2020
Mo.: 16:15-17:45, S21
Christoph Thomas, Wolfgang Babel
Seminar for staff members, postdocs, PhD candidates and students of the groups of Micrometeorology and Atmospheric Chemistry
Scedule (to be continued)
Date | Topic | Lecturer |
21.10.2019 | --- | |
28.10.2019 | M. Sc. final presentation: "Urban climate - just warm streets and cool parks? Investigating the variabilities of heat at street-canyon and city-wide scale in Bayreuth" | Isabel Spies |
04.11.2019 | Introduction to Bachelor and Master theses offered | Thomas, Babel |
11.11.2019 | no seminar | -- |
18.11.2019 | M. Sc. final presentation: "Carbon and energy exchange in a tropical dry forest in Costa Rica with regard to El-Nino-Southern oscillation dynamics" | Elena Loos |
25.11.2019 | M. Sc. proposal | Tobias Linhardt |
02.12.2019 | Presentation of the MM group's contribution the AMS fall meeting | Antonia Fritz, Karl Lapo, Lena Pfister |
09.12.2019 | Presentation M.Sc. Thesis at University of Warsaw: "Role of atmospheric deposition of heavy metals as a contamination source for urban green on the example of Żwirki i Wigury Linden Trees Alley in Warsaw" | Marta Sokolnik |
13.01.2020 | B. Sc. final presentation: "Evolution and processes of the nocturnal and convective boundary-layers from ceilometer data at the LOVE site" Please note a changed time/room this day: 15:00 in S74! | Nico Bader |
20.01.2020 | B. Sc. final presentation: "Observing the weak wind boundary layer during the Large Eddy Observatory Voitsumra Experiment (LOVE) with a Doppler Wind LiDAR" B. Sc. final presentation: "Observation of the lower atmosphery boundary layer with fiber optical distributed sensing" |
Lioba Martin Antonia Fritz |
27.01.2020 | B.Sc. final presentation: "Trends of Climatological Frost Indices in Different Types of Landscape: a Case Study in Northern Bavaria" | Inke Grosche |
03.02.2020 | M.Sc. proposal: "Does surface heterogeneity drive turbulence and submeso-scale motions in the wintertime Arctic atmospheric boundary layer? A field study using Fiber-Optic Distributed Sensing in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard" M.Sc. final presentation: "Application of 15N labelled slurry in a microplot field study: Ammonia volatilization and plot N balance" |
Jannis Huss Michael Cormann |
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