Doctoral Examination Procedure
For official admission to the doctoral examination an application for admission must be submitted to the Dean's office (Dekanat der Fakultät II). For more details about the admission procedure for the doctoral exam contact Mrs.Zigan at the Dean's office.
Required attachments are:
- Six identical printed and bound copies of the doctoral thesis together and an identical digital version together including the candidate’s declaration that he or she is the only author of the thesis, did not use any other resources than those indicated, and has not tried to submit a doctoral thesis or pass the doctoral examination somewhere else (text template available in the Dean's office).
- Summary of the thesis (in German and English each maximum 800 words) as pdf file.
- Study achievements as required in the PEER regulations verified by the supervisor (including completed list of study achievements in BayNAT form) (text template available in the Dean's office).
- Suggestion of reviewers for evaluation of the thesis and potential members of the examination board (discussed with mentoring committee) (available in the Dean's office).
- Certificate of good conduct (only if the applicant is no longer enrolled, or currently employed in civil service).