After the defense has been passed, the thesis has to be published within one year. The BayNAT director has to approve the printing of the thesis. He may request changes in the manuscript following the reviewer's suggestions. The printing permission form can be received at the dean's office.
The final version has to be in accordance with the contents of the manuscript, for which the printing permission was given (statement in written form). Any changes of the manuscript whether big or small mistakes, formatting modifications as well as figure and picture revisions have to be approved by the reviewers of the thesis.
Usually the thesis is published as an electronic version through the university library. It may also be done in printed form or as a book. The publication has to be proved to the director within one year after the defense.
A. Electronic Version:
Theses may be published on the EPUB-Document-Server of UBT. Data format and data carrier have to be agreed upon with the contact persons in the university library.
Theses from PEER should be published on the EPUB-Server under Research Institutions "BayCEER". That way the graduates have the benefit that their publications can be found easier during a topic search and can be formally cited with the DOI. Coordination and guidelines at the BayCEER Office.
B. Printed Version:
In this context the "Bayreuther Forum Ökologie" can be used as a series. Publications in this series can be ordered via the Internet.