The steering committee, appointed by the Dean's office, checks if the required documents are complete. Further they decide upon the reviewers and further members of the examination board which consists of four members. The candidate is informed about his or her admission to the doctoral examination by the Dean's office.
After admission to the doctoral examination, the thesis is sent to two reviewers by the Dean's office. As a rule, the reviewers deliver a written report within two months. A third reviewer is appointed if the two reviewers differ in more than one grade in their evaluation of the thesis. A third reviewer may also be appointed if the dissertation was evaluated with the grade "excellent", or if a reviewer requests the appointment of a third reviewer.
When all review reports are available, the Dean's office informs the authorised examiners among the members of BayNAT about the display period of the thesis together with a summary of the dissertation (pdf) and the grades. The thesis and the review reports are displayed for two weeks for inspection through the authorised examiners among the members of BayNAT. If there is no objection, the thesis is finally approved.
The Dean's office determines the date of the defense together with the candidate, and invites all involved parties in written form.