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WS 2016/2017
74023 Vorlesung: Disturbance Ecology
Mo.: 08:00-10:00, S21 (GEOII EG012)
Anke Jentsch
74084 Vorlesung: Research Frontiers in Disturbance Ecology

>> Details
Anke Jentsch
74010 Vorlesung/Übung: Natural Risks and Hazards (A3a)
18.11.2016-20.11.2016 (mehrtägig)
>> Details
Anke Jentsch
74024 Seminar: Stability, Resilience and Inertia (B3b)
11.11.2016 (14:00-18:00), H6 (GEOI EG 002.3); 12.11.2016-13.11.2016 (mehrtägig), H6 (GEOI EG 002.3)
Anke Jentsch
74059 Seminar: Scientific Writing for Masterstudents (M10)
Fr.: 10:00-11:00, S 25 (GEOII EG030)
>> Details
Anke Jentsch, Severin D.H. Irl
68026 Praktikum: Scientific workshop for Environmental Geography

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Anke Jentsch
74060 Übung: Project Management and Scientific Coordination (M11)

>> Details
Birgit Thies
74081 Übung: Scientific Writing in Biogeography and Disturbance Ecology
R.123, GEO II
>> Details
Anke Jentsch, Severin D.H. Irl
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