Mitigation of urban climate and ozone risks (MiSKOR) MiSKOR "Minderung Städtischer Klima- und OzonRisiken"
"Mitigation of urban climate and ozone risks"
Part of the joint project "Climate change and health (Klimawandel und Gesundheit) commissioned by the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (Bayerischen Landesamts für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit). The goal is to attain a better understanding of the relevant causes and processes to acquire applicable aids and new possibilities for improving urban planning. We intend to give suggestions how to reduce the negative consequences to human health caused by climate change in combination with the urban heat island effect and high troposheric ozone pollution in a middle-sized city like Bayreuth and comparable cities in Northern Bavaria.
Projects from other divisions
Completed Projects
Spatial assessment of atmosphere-ecosystem exchanges via micrometeorological measurements, footprint modelling and mesoscale simulations (TERRECO WP 1-02) Peng Zhao, Johannes Lüers, Thomas Foken, John Tenhunen
Untersuchung der Veränderung der Konzentration von Luftbeimengungen und Treibhausgasen im Fichtelgebirge (Oberfrankenstiftung 01879) Barbara Grasse, Thomas Foken, Johannes Lüers
Evaluation of landscape climate phenomena in the Haean Catchment (TERRECO WP 1-03) Bora Lee, Ralf Geyer, Gwangyong Choi, Sinkyu Kang, Christopher L. Shope, Johannes Lüers
Turbulence and stand scale modelling (DFG Fo 226/16-1) Andrei Serafimovich, Katharina Köck (Staudt), Lukas Siebicke, Johannes Lüers, Johannes Olesch, Tobias Biermann, Tobias Gerken, Martina Hunner, Michael Riederer, Friederike Rütz, Stephanie Dix (Schier), Jens-Christopher Mayer, Georg Jocher, Christoph Thieme, Thomas Foken
Long-term measurements of near-surface turbulent fluxes in the Arctic environment - additional laser Scintillometer measurement campaign 2009 at Ny-Ålesund on Svalbard (ARCTEX-2009) (DFG LU 1400/2-1) Johannes Lüers, Jörg Bareiss, Martin Wagner, Johannes Lüers
Direct measurements of turbulent fluxes in the near surface environment at high latitudes applying the eddy-covariance method - The Arctic Turbulence Experiment 2006 (ARCTEX-2006) at Ny-Ålesund on Spitsbergen (Svalbard) (DFG Fo 226/11-1) Johannes Olesch, Thomas Foken, Johannes Lüers, Jörg Bareiss
Beitrag von Salpetriger Säure zur atmosphärischen OH-Konzentration (SALSA) Thomas Foken, Johannes Lüers, Jens-Christopher Mayer, Silke Oldenburg, Katharina Köck (Staudt), Johannes Olesch, Michael Kortner
Klimatologie und Deposition von Luftschadstoffen im Fichtelgebirge (BITÖK-A3) Johannes Lüers, Otto Klemm, Johannes Olesch, Jörg Gerchau, Thomas Foken