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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Micrometeorology - Prof. Christoph Thomas

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Lecture: Advanced Micrometeorology: Exchange of carbon and energy at the air - vegetation - interface (28351)

SS 2018
Tu.: 14:15-15:45, S131 (NW III)

Christoph Thomas

M. Sc. Geoecology, Modules PM 1.4, PM 4

Start on Tuesday, 17 April

Material and further announcements will be provided via elearning

The water and carbon cycles are presented, for different ecosystem types, starting from the atmosphere on global scale and including anthopogenic influences. A special focus will be measurement and modeling of the atmosphere - vegetation exchange above high vegetation, which requires volume-based descriptions rather than of point-based descriptions as taught in FM1. Measurement and modeling techniques were described for both short process studies and long-term monitoring infrastructure (Fluxnet). Specific processes were highlighted like coherent structures and sub-mesoscale motions as well as stable isotopes as a method to characterize concentration profiles and fluxes

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