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BayCEER - Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research

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Lecture series in Ecology and Environmental Research SS 2024

Dr. Wiebke Finkler
Department of Marketing, University of Otago (Homepage)
Thursday, 18.04.2024 17:00-18:00, H6, Geo

The Canvas of Change: Creative Marketing for Behaviour Change, Sustainability and Social Good

How can we use marketing for behaviour change communication campaigns merging science communication, visual storytelling and strategic marketing?

In my talk I will give a brief overview of some of my cross-disciplinary projects, like sustainable tourism management - whale watching and polar tourism - as well as the use of new technologies, for example virtual reality 360 ° nature for wellbeing.

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The BayCEER Colloquium serves as an interdisciplinary platform for students, academics and interested citizens: during the lecture period, guests and members of BayCEER give insights into their research, which can then be discussed in plenary and in a relaxed atmosphere during the post-colloquium.

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