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Geoökologisches Kolloquium SS 2008

Ernst-Georg Beck
Gymnasium Merian-Schule in Freising
Thursday, 17.07.2008 16:15, H 6

Evidence of variability of atmospheric CO2 concentration during the 20th century

Since the 19th century, use of chemical methods has provided reliable atmospheric CO2 gas analyses results that have been obtained predominantly from the northern hemisphere. These direct chemical analyses results provide information on past atmospheric CO2 concentrations in addition to the modern direct atmospheric CO2 measurements since 1958 and the indirect reconstructions of past atmospheric CO2 from ice cores. Comprehensive literature indicates that the chemical methods have provided a systematic accuracy within ± 3 Vol% since 1857. Optimization through the 20th century resulted in numerous sampling round the world on land and sea resulting in systematic sampling and analysis of more than 90,000 CO2 values near ground, sea surface and up to the stratosphere when around 1960 the modern NDIR spectroscopic method was introduced. Comparison of measurements using old wet chemical and new physical methods in 1958 and 1967 on sea and land reveal a systematic analysis difference of about 10 ppm - new procedures compared to the old. Wet chemical analyses indicate that during the past 2 centuries there were three atmospheric CO2 maxima in the northern hemisphere. These maxima were as high as about 400 ppm in average over land and sea. The chemical analysis results indicate that atmospheric CO2 concentration – including its peak around 1942 – has about 80% correlation with the arctic sea surface temperature (SST) during the 20th century. Detailed analysis of CO2, weather and oceanographic data during the arctic warming since 1918 to 1939 indicate a strong warming of the Northern Arctic Ocean with a subsequent decrease of CO2 absorption in distinct absorption hotspots (e.g. near Spitsbergen) as a cause of the increased decadal atmospheric CO2 levels that is not seen in the ice core records.

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