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Lecture series in Ecology and Environmental Research SS 2011

Prof. Dr. Markus Weiler
Institute of Hydrology, Center for Water Research, University of Freiburg
Thursday, 26.05.2011 16:15-17:45, H6

Only one isotopic water world: relevant processes at the soil-vegetation-atmosphere interface

Eingeladen durch Prof Stefan Peiffer

Stable isotopes of water have received more attention in recent years due to new instrumentation techniques. With these techniques we have developed new sampling methods to observe stable isotopes in soil water without complicated and time consuming sample preparation. This allows us to analyze stable isotopes pattern in soils to study the influence of vegetation, soil properties, runoff generation processes and evapotranspiration. These new methods will not only change the way how isotopes are used in experimental hydrology, but also allow us to quantitatively predict water fluxes and transport processes at the soil-vegetation-atmosphere interface.


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