Ben Gilfedder
Adjunct ResearcherHydrology
Phone: +49 (0)651-201 3072
e-Mail: gilfedder(at)uni-trier.de, benjamin-silas.gilfedder(at)uni-bayreuth.de
Universität Trier, FB VI - Raum- und Umweltwissenschaften, Professur für Hydrologie
Campus II
54286 Trier
Head of the Limnological Research Station at the Department of Hydrology
Research interests:
- Coupling between hydrological processes, biogeochemistry and water residence times within streams, lakes, sediments and catchments
- Hyporheic exchange and parafluvial flow
- Water and chemical exchange in response to environmental factors such as storms and high flow events
- Radon as a natural tracer
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