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Ben Gilfedder: Projects

  • Behaviour and transport of microplastic in stream and groundwater systems (SFB 1357)
    Sven Frei, Ben Gilfedder, Jan Fleckenstein [Details]

  • Behaviour and transport of microplastic in Lakes (SFB 1357 B02)
    Ben Gilfedder, Martin Obst, Jan Fleckenstein [Details]

  • SFB 1357 TPB02: Verhalten und Transport von Mikroplastik in der strömungsarmen Wassersäule (SFB1357 B02)
    Hassan Elagami, Ben Gilfedder, Jan Fleckenstein, Martin Obst, Sven Frei [Details]

  • Multiple stressors in stream in river systems in a changing climate: climatic effects on the C, N, Fe cycles and coupling with hydrology (AQUAKLIF)
    Stefan Peiffer, Ben Gilfedder [Details]

Completed Projects

  • SFB1357: TPB03 Behavior of micro-plastic in fluvial systems (SFB1357-B03)
    Taotao Lu, Jan-Pascal Boos, Sven Frei, Ben Gilfedder, Jan Fleckenstein [Details]

  • The influence of topography and other natural factors on the mobilization of dissolved organic carbon in the Bavarian Forest National Park (GLASER-Stiftung und die PLETTNER-Stiftung)
    This joint project aims to understand mechanisms influencing DOC export and mobilization in the streams of the Bavarian Forest National Park, with the focus on topography . [Details]

  • Datierung von Uferfiltrat mit Hilfe von Radon als natürlichem Trace (RADAT)
    Ben Gilfedder, Sven Frei [Details]

  • A multi-disciplinary approach to delineate small scale interactions and couplings between hydrology and biogeochemistry in riparian wetlands. (FR 2858/2-1)
    Sven Nordsiek, Stefan Durejka, Sven Frei, Ben Gilfedder [Details]

  • Seezeichen: tracer methods for identifying groundwater and surface water cycling, an example from Lake Constance (02WRM1365B)
    Catharina Keim, Ben Gilfedder [Details]

Projects from other divisions

  • Seezeichen: tracer methods for identifying groundwater and surface water cycling, an example from Lake Constance (02WRM1365B)
    Ben Gilfedder [Details]

  • TP3 Influence of multiple stressors on N, C and Fe turnover in the hyporheic zone (AQUAKLIF_TP3)
    Robin Kaule, Silvia Parra Suárez, Stefan Peiffer, Ben Gilfedder [Details]

Completed Projects

  • Understanding natural carbon cycles and export dynamics in the Baverian Forest (GLASER-Stiftung und die PLETTNER-Stiftung)
    Stefan Peiffer, Luisa Hopp, Jan Fleckenstein, Ben Gilfedder [Details]

  • A multi-disciplinary approach to delineate small scale interactions and couplings between hydrology and biogeochemistry in riparian wetlands. ()
    Sven Frei, Ben Gilfedder [Details]

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