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Stefan Dötterl: Projects

Completed Projects

  • Host-plant finding by oligolectic bees (Bees)
    Stefan Dötterl [Details]

  • Role of flower scent by interaction of Silene species with their nursery pollinators (Hadena-Silene)
    Stefan Dötterl [Details]

  • Flower scent in oil-flowers as attractants for oil-bees (DFG: DO 1250/3-1)
    Irmgard Schäffler, Stefan Dötterl [Details]

  • Floral scent of willows (Salix spp.) and its role in reproduction (Weiden)
    Gregor Aas, Stefan Dötterl [Details]

  • Flower odours as attractants for mosquitoes (Stechmücken)
    Umma Salma Jhumur, Sigrid Liede-Schumann, Stefan Dötterl [Details]

  • Floral scent of willows (Salix spp.) and its role in reproduction (Grako678 C5)
    Gregor Aas, Sigrid Liede-Schumann, Stefan Dötterl [Details]

  • Chemical attractiveness of night-flowering Caryophyllaceae of the Silene otites group to flower visiting mosquitoes (Grako678 C4)
    Sigrid Liede-Schumann, Konrad Dettner, Gregor Aas, Stefan Dötterl [Details]

  • Floral scent compounds in nocturnal Caryophyllaceae and their importance for the interaction with night active moths of the genus Hadena (DFG:GRK 678/1, Projekt 10)
    Stefan Dötterl, Andreas Jürgens, Sigrid Liede-Schumann [Details]

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