Jen-How Huang: Publications

Huang, J-H; Karpinska (Dombaiová), R; Matzner, E: Short communication: Mercury and methylmercury in soils and plants of differently contaminated sites in Slovakia, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 168, 238-240 (2005)
Huang, J-H: Reducing blank values for trace analysis of ionic organotin compounds and their adsorptio to different materials, International Journal of Environmental & Analytical Chemistry, 84, 255-265 (2004) -- Details
Huang, J-H; Klemm, O: Atmospheric speciation of ionic organotin, organolead and organomercury compounds in NE Bavaria (Germany), Atmospheric Environment, 38, 5013-5023 (2004) -- Details
Huang, J-H; Matzner, E: Degradation of organotin compounds in organic and mineral soils, Journal of Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 167, 33-38 (2004), doi:10.1002/jpln.200321243 -- Details
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BayCEER Colloquium:
Th. 2024-06-06
Tracking plant diversity dynamics on islands over thousands of years
Mo. 2024-06-10
Arsenic biogeochemistry from paddy soil to rice grain
Ecological-Botanical Garden:
Su. 2024-05-19 now
Führung | "Den ÖBG Kennenlernen: Allgemeine Gartenführung"
We. 2024-05-29
Führung | "Grüne Apotheke: Heilpflanzen"
Inaugural Lecture:
We. 2024-05-22
Funktionelle Pilzökologie: Diversität und Prozesse auf unterschiedlichen Skalen
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