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Disturbance Ecology

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Anke JentschProf. Dr.

Anke Jentsch


Phone: 0921-552290
Fax: 0921-552315
Room: GEO II, Rm 016
e-Mail: anke.jentsch(at)uni-bayreuth.de

Welcome to Disturbance Ecology! My scientific interest and expertise is in disturbance ecology and ecosystem dynamics, plant biodiversity and community ecology, experiments on effects of climate change and extreme weather events, ecosystem functions, resilience, biogeography, dynamics in protection areas, and ecological novelty. My research activities include running a coordinated extreme drought, land use change and invasion experiment across countries in Europe and the Middle East and participation in other research activities of community ecology and vegetation science across altitudinal gradients and across eco-regions. Currently, I serve in 4 steering committees of European and global scientific consortia (SIGNAL, ClimMani, HerbDivNet, Drought-Net). Jointly with my group and with colleagues I have published about 150 manuscripts in international scientific journals, i.e. Nature, Science, Ecology Letters, Reviews of Geophysics, Global Change Biology, New Phytologist, and Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. My deepest interest is in understanding pulse dynamics in ecology and advancing the frontiers of disturbance theory!




Curriculum Vitae

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