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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Micrometeorology - Prof. Christoph Thomas

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Christoph Thomas: Theses supervised

Bachelor's Theses
Felix Heuring Investigation of the radiation error and heat transport at the snow air interface using fibre optic distributed sensing during the polar night in Adventdalen, Svalbard

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Julian Bojanowski Spatial heterogeneity of turbulent flow in an urban street canyon

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Oliver Schappacher Untersuchung der veränderten Strömungsverhältnisse nach einem Dammdruchbruch im Quartier Kreuzstein auf das Stadtgebiet von Bayreuth mithilfe stationärer Langzeitmessungen und mobiler Spurengaserfassung

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Christian Dobmeier Spatial variability of climate elements from the urban observational network in Bayreuth

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Tino Schneidewind Changes in precipitation distribution and intensity and their consequences on water balance in the Fichtelgebrige, northern Bavaria

Supervisor: Wolfgang Babel, Christoph Thomas
Lisa Hummel Atmospheric flow in an urban street canyon

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Lina Bernert (2022) Energy and Carbon fluxes on a agricultural site to be transformed to a photovoltaic power plant

Supervisor: Wolfgang Babel, Christoph Thomas
Anika Leimeister (2022) Mikroklimatische Variabilität in einer Mittelgebirgstallage und deren Auswirkungen auf die Homogenität von Messreihen bei wechselnden Standorten

Supervisor: Wolfgang Babel, Christoph Thomas
Max Stocker (2022) Influence of water surface and bubble bursting on near-surface turbulence in a wind tunnel

Supervisor: Eike Esders, Wolfgang Babel, Christoph Thomas
Sophia Ramer (2021) Untersuchung der Strömungsregime und deren Zusammenhang mit Luftschadstoffkonzentrationen in einer Straßenschlucht mit hoher Verkehrsdichte in der Landeshauptstadt München

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas, Leyla Sungur
Franziska Schwab (2021) Auswirkungen der Dürresommer 2018 und 2019 auf den Kohlenstoff- und Wasserhaushalt eines Fichtenwaldes

Supervisor: Wolfgang Babel, Christoph Thomas
Antonia Fritz (2020) Observation of the lower atmosphery boundary layer with fiber optical distributed sensing

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas, Karl Lapo
Nico Bader (2020) Evolution and processes of the nocturnal and convective boundary-layers from ceilometer data at the LOVE site

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Lioba Martin (2019) Observing the weak-wind boundary layer during LOVE via Doppler Wind LiDAR

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Andreas Tschuschke (2019) Einfluss von Topografie, Fließgewässern und Bebauung auf Temperaturverteilung und Luftströme im Bayreuther Becken - Analyse von fahrradgetragenen Temperaturmessungen und Stationsdaten des MiSKOR-Messnetzes im Sommer 2019

Im Rahmen des MiSKOR Projekts wurden mobile fahrradgestützte Temperaturmessungen mit Aufzeichnung der GPS-Daten vom 09. bis 11.08. und 21. bis 26.08.2019 bei strahlungsreichen Wetterlagen durchgeführt. Die gesammelten Lufttemperaturen wurden hinsichtlich ihrer räumlichen Verteilung in Abhängigkeit der Tageszeit analysiert, und mit den Messungen der fest installierten MiSKOR-Stationen verglichen. more

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas, Johannes Lüers
Anna-Lena Urbanek (2019) Spatial distribution of microplastic particles on a riverbank measured in a wind tunnel more

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Marie Stöckhardt (2018) Influence of disturbance history on climate change mitigation potential in a tropical dry forest more

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Anna Lindenberger (2018) Seasonality of climate change mitigation potential in the understory of a tropical dry forest

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Leon Steinmeier (2018) Uncertainty of temperature estimates from fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing: Comparison of calibration methods more

Supervisor: Wolfgang Babel, Christoph Thomas
Tobias Linhardt (2017) Impact of Water Tracks on the Surface Energy Balance in the Polar Desert of the Antarctic McMurdo Dry Valleys

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Elena Loos (2016) Dynamics of temperature and wind profile in the boundary layer of a valley in the Fichtelgebirge Mountains more

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Sarah Holden (2016) Dynamics of the boundary layer profile and surface parameters at the Schneeberg summit in the Fichtelgebirge Mountains more

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Nicolas Wagner (2016) Veränderung der Frostdynamik an der Wetterstation des Ökologisch Botanischen Garten der Universität Bayreuth more

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas, Wolfgang Babel
Armin Sigmund (2015) Untersuchung der bodennahen Temperaturgr adienten bei Kaltluftentstehung an einem schwach geneigten Hang mithilfe der Distributed Temperature Sensing - Methode more

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas

Master's Theses
Eva Späte Simulating an extreme heat event in a mid-sized city in Europe with Large Eddy Simulation: investigating the impact of spatial resolution and validation with an observation network

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas, Wolfgang Babel
Sophie Arzberger (2022) Microclimatic investigation to explore the potential of filter systems to clean urban air more

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas, Leyla Sungur
Jannis Huss (2021) Does surface heterogeneity drive turbulence and submeso-scale motions in the wintertime Arctic atmospheric boundary layer? A field study using Fiber-Optic Distributed Sensing in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Leyla Sungur (2021) Mitigating heat accumulation in a mid-size urban area

Supervisor: Johannes Lüers, Christoph Thomas
Judith Eisenbacher (2021) Late frost limitation of European beech in mid-range mountains, Fichtelgebirge, Germany

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas, Anke Jentsch
Tobias Linhardt (2021) Vertical structure of the lower polar troposphere observed in temperature and wind profiles from fiber-optic distributed sensing on a tethered balloon over Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, the Arctic

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Ricardo Robledo (2020) Quantitative detection of microplastics, study of their transport and deposition

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas, Wolfgang Babel
Elena Nitzler (2020) Weak wind boundary layers (DarkMix)

Master thesis on weak-wind boundary layer and pressure pumping within a low mountain range spruce canopy (LOWE 2020 experiment)

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Elena Loos (2020) Carbon and Energy Exchange in a Tropical Dry Forest in Costa Rica with regard to El Niño-Southern Oscillation Dynamics more

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Valentin Heinzelmann (2019) Carbon and energy exchange at a submontane grassland site in an extremely dry year more

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas, Wolfgang Babel
Isabel Spies (2019) The Urban Heat Island in Bayreuth more

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas, Johannes Lüers
Elisabeth Skupin (2018) Der Ausgangszustandsbericht gem. § 10a BImSchG: Inhalt, Funktion, Folgen, Haftung, & Kritik

Supervisor: Heinrich Amadeus Wolff, Christoph Thomas
Armin Sigmund (2018) Proof of concept for real-time air mass discrimination at the Schneefernerhaus, Zugspitze

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Anita Freundorfer (2017) Investigating the near-surface airflow and its turbulent and submesoscale statistics for the weak-wind regime from field experiments more

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas, Ingo Rehberg
Katerina Honzakova (2017) Small-scale variations of climate change in mountainous-forested terrain

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Tobias Wunder (2017) Erhebung und Auswertung von Windregimen in dichten Waldbeständen

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Laura Ehrnsperger (2017) Experimental evaluation of the significance of the pressure transport term to the TKE budget across contrasting forests architectures more

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
Lena Pfister (2016) Novel insights into the dynamics of cold-air drainage and pooling on a gentle slope from fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing more

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas

PhD Theses
Eike Esders (2022) Behaviour of microplastics in a land surface-atmosphere system and structured terrain

The aim of this thesis is it to broaden current knowledge of the transport of micro plastics in the environment. The approach of this thesis can be divided into two phases. In the first phase we measure the suspension and deposition rates of micro plastic particles in a turbulent flow system. These experiments are conducted in a wind tunnel. Important explanatory variables will be altered, like shape, size, surface properties and turbulent characteristics. These findings will provide important parameters for the second phase of this thesis. In the second phase Large-Eddy-Simulations (LES) are conducted. These simulations will provide further insights into the transport of micro plastic particles in a land surface-atmosphere system. This thesis has the potential to enhance our understanding of micro plastic transport and might answer the following questions:

Which micro plastic particles have the highest suspension potential?

Which circumstances lead to high suspension rates?

When do particles deposit?

Where are sources and sinks of micro plastic particles?

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas, Wolfgang Babel
Anita Freundorfer (2021) Contribution to the ERC Project 'Dark Mix' more

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas, Karl Lapo
Lena Pfister (2019) Improving our understanding of the atmospheric weak wind boundary layer using spatially explicit observations near the ground surface more

Supervisor: Christoph Thomas
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