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Past Agenda "BayCEER Colloquium"

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DateLocationPresenting personTitle
Th. 2012-11-29 (17:00-18:30)Dr. Derek Persoh, Abteilung Mykologie, Universität BayreuthBayCEER Colloquium: New insights into functional diversity of plant and soil inhabiting fungal communities [Details]
Th. 2012-11-22 (14:00)AudimaxFestredner: Kurt BiedenkopfBayCEER Colloquium: Jahrestag der Universität Bayreuth [Details]
Th. 2012-11-15 (17:00-18:30)Prof. Dr. Stefan Peiffer, Geschäftsführender Direktor BayCEERBayCEER Colloquium: BayCEER Mitgliederversammlung [Details]
Th. 2012-11-08 (17:00-18:30)Verschoben auf 7.2.13BayCEER Colloquium: The role of transdisciplinary research in the future of BayCEER: A status report on the TERRECO IRTG
Th. 2012-10-25 (17:00-18:30)Dr. Rob Alkemade, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, BilthovenBayCEER Colloquium: Global mapping and modelling of ecosystem services [Details]
Th. 2012-10-18Prof. Kristin Shrader-Frechette, Dept. of Biological Sciences / Dept. of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
Director, Center for Environmental Justice and Children's Health
BayCEER Colloquium: Objectivity Demands Speaking Out: Scientists' Justice-Based Duties to Be Advocates for Environmental Health [Details]
Th. 2012-07-12Dr. Christoph Küffer, Institute of Integrative Biology, ETH ZürichBayCEER Colloquium: Model Systems for Integrative Global Change Research: from Model Organisms to Global Comparative Studies [Details]
Mo. 2012-07-09 (17:00-18:30)H6Dr. Peter Leimgruber, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, National Zoological Park, Front Royal, VABayCEER Colloquium: (Achtung: H6) Species Conservation and Geospatial Analysis—Challenges and Opportunities [Details]
Th. 2012-06-28Dr. Michael Zech, Lehrstuhl für Geomorphologie, Universität BayreuthBayCEER Colloquium: Development and application of paleoenvironmental and paleoclimate proxies: interrogating biomarkers and stable isotopes (dD, d18O) in soils/sediments [Details]
Th. 2012-06-21Prof. Joachim Peinke, ForWind - Center for Wind Energy Research, OldenburgBayCEER Colloquium: Windenergie und die Auswirkungen atmosphärischer Turbulenzen [Details]
Th. 2012-06-14Dr. Inge Jonckheere, FAO HQ, UN-REDD Programme, Rome, ItalyBayCEER Colloquium: National Forest Monitoring systems for REDD+ [Details]
Th. 2012-05-24Dr. Hyojung Kwon, Department of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthBayCEER Colloquium: Monitoring and Analysis of Ecosystem Dynamic in Carbon Exchange in Korea [Details]
Th. 2012-05-10Dr. Nathalie Pettorelli, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London, United KingdomBayCEER Colloquium: From Roe Deer to Satellites and Vulnerability Assessments: Scaling up Difficulties or Downsizing Complexity? [Details]
Th. 2012-05-03Dr. Pete Manning, School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Newcastle University, United KingdomBayCEER Colloquium: Can Plant Traits Predict Ecosystem Function and Services? [Details]
Th. 2012-04-26Dr. Nadja Rüger, Systematic Botany and Functional Biodiversity, University of LeipzigBayCEER Colloquium: Functional Traits Explain Growth Strategies of Tropical Tree Species [Details]
Th. 2012-04-19Prof. Dr. Jörg-Peter Schnitzler, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Research Unit Environmental Simulation (EUS), NeuherbergBayCEER Colloquium: Isoprene & Co. – Biological and Ecological Functions in Poplar and Oaks [Details]
We. 2012-04-04 (16:00-17:30)H6Dr. Arnaud Huguet, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, ParisBayCEER Colloquium: Bacterial tetraether membrane lipids in peatlands: application as temperature and pH proxies [Details]
Th. 2012-02-16 (17:00-18:45)Prof. Francesco Dondi, Department of Chemistry, University of Ferrara, ItalyBayCEER Colloquium: Sustainability on Campus: Actions at the University of Ferrara [Details]
Th. 2012-02-09 (17:00-18:30)Dr. Angelica Feurdean, Biodiversität- und Klimaforschungszentrum (BiK-F), Senckenberg, Univ. Frankfurt a. M.BayCEER Colloquium: The relevance of long-term data in understanding contemporary and future biotic responses: examples from the Carpathian region [Details]
Th. 2012-02-02 (17:00-18:30)Dr. Rainer Wirth, Department of Plant Ecology and Systematics, Universität KaiserslauternBayCEER Colloquium: Trophic disruptions and biotic homogenization in fragmented forests: Unveiling success and impact of a neotropical key herbivore (leaf-cutting ants) [Details]
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