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BayCEER - Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research

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BayCEER Fields of Research

1. Global Change: Consequences, Projections and Mitigation

Climate and land use patterns are changing globally, with far reaching consequences for managed and natural systems and for human welfare.

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2. Biodiversity: Patterns, Function and Protection

An estimated 7-15 million species live on earth. For the vast majority of them, we do not know who they are, where they live, what they do, how they interact, or how they react to the environment.

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Fields of reasearch BayCEER

3. Ecosystems: Function and Services

Understanding ecosystem processes and their regulation is a prerequisite for sustainable use and maintenance of ecosystem functions and services, such as biomass production, carbon storage and regulation of water fluxes.

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4. Environment and Nature Protection: Strategies and Application

Our environment, including air, water, soils and climate, as well as many species, ecosystems and landscapes are under a range of threats, the vast majority of them being of anthropogenic origin.

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