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Stefan Peiffer: Projects

  • P-TRAP / Teilprojekt 9 / Studying the effect of Fe addition to sediments on the sedimentary biogeochemical processes (EU-Projekt, Grant Agreement No. 813 438)
    ESR 9: Studying the effect of Fe addition to sediments on the sedimentary biogeochemical processes [Details]

  • P-TRAP / Teilprojekt 1 / Development of an on-site phosphorus retention technology (EU-Projekt, Grant Agreement No. 813 438)
    ESR 1: Development of an on-site phosphorus retention technology [Details]

  • AQUAKLIF / Teilprojekt 7 / Implementierung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (Bayklif / LMU München)
    Implementierung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [Details]

  • SFB 1357 TPB01: Physikalisch-chemische Gesetzmäßigkeiten der Wechselwirkungen an und mit Mikroplastik-Partikeln in wässriger Lösung (SFB 1357 B01)
    Verhalten und Migration in und zwischen Umweltkompartimenten [Details]

  • Multiple stressors in stream in river systems in a changing climate: climatic effects on the C, N, Fe cycles and coupling with hydrology (AQUAKLIF)
    Stefan Peiffer, Ben Gilfedder [Details]

  • AQUAKLIF / Teilprojekt 3 / Einfluss multipler Stressoren auf N, C und Fe Umsätze in der hyporheischen Zone (Bayklif / LMU München)
    Einfluss multipler Stressoren auf N, C und Fe Umsätze in der hyporheischen Zone [Details]

Completed Projects

  • Transport of New Environmental Pollutants in Porous Media: Micro-/nanoparticles (MicNan)
    Taotao Lu, Stefan Peiffer, Sven Frei [Details]

  • Selenate reduction by sulfided zero iron (DFG PE 438/24-1)
    Selenatreduktion durch sulfidiertes nullwertiges Eisen [Details]

  • The influence of topography and other natural factors on the mobilization of dissolved organic carbon in the Bavarian Forest National Park (GLASER-Stiftung und die PLETTNER-Stiftung)
    This joint project aims to understand mechanisms influencing DOC export and mobilization in the streams of the Bavarian Forest National Park, with the focus on topography . [Details]

  • Modellhafte Anwendung und Weiterentwicklung eines naturnahen, passiv-biologischen Verfahrens ohne Energie- und Chemikalieneintrag zur nachhaltigen Aufbereitung kontaminierter Bergbauabwässer (DBU 33012/01-23)
    Joscha Opitz, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Rückgewinnung von Phosphat aus anaeroben flachen Grundwässern unter landwirtschaftlich genutzten Böden mit Hilfe von Eisen(III)-haltigen Adsorbenzien (---)
    Maria Klug, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Novel ecological Absorbent using schwertmannite material for Removal of Selenate and Selenite from contaminated water. (EU 706140)
    Bouchra Marouane, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • "KMU-innovativ Verbundprojekt SAWA: Verwertung von Schwertmannit für Adsorbenzien zur energieneutralen, passiven Wasseraufbereitung, Teilprojekt C" (SAWA 02WQ1309C)
    Maria Klug, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Carbon and Nitrogen Turnover in Sediments of the Soyang Lake Reservoir (TERRECO Cluster H-03)
    Kiyong Kim, Klaus-Holger Knorr, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Water Sources, Flow Paths and Residence Time in a Forested Catchment of the East Asian Monsoon Region (TERRECO Cluster H-02)
    Jean-Lionel Payeur-Poirier, Stefan Peiffer, Luisa Hopp [Details]

  • The influence of hydrological dynamics on iron mineral transformation (Water Alliance)
    Moli Wan, Stefan Peiffer, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • The influence of hydrological dynamics on iron mineral transformation (Water Alliance)
    Moli Wan, Stefan Peiffer, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Isotopic N Exchange at Critical Landscape Interfaces (TERRECO Cluster H-01)
    Silvia Parra Suárez, Gerhard Gebauer, Stefan Peiffer, Egbert Matzner, Ji-Hyung Park [Details]

  • Forest Type DOC/CON Dynamics and Exports (DFG-TERRECO Cluster F-04)
    Mi-Hee Lee, Egbert Matzner, Stefan Peiffer, Ji-Hyung Park [Details]

  • Humic substances and aquatic microbial ecology - comparisons in ecosystems of Korea and Germany (TERRECO WP 2-03)
    Tae Seok Ahn, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Material processing at Haean Basin scale: The role of hyporheic exchange and the riparian zone in NO3 and DOC export from catchments (TERRECO WP 2-12)
    Svenja Bartsch, Christopher L. Shope, Jan Fleckenstein, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Assessing water yield and water quality in complex terrain at small catchment and regional scales (TERRECO WP 2-14)
    Christopher L. Shope, Jan Fleckenstein, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Stimulation the anaerobic oxidation of pyrite by activators at pH 7 in the presence of nitrate (FOR 580 PEI/1)
    Ruiwen Yan, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Analysis and modeling of flow systems in soils under different topographic and land use conditions (TERRECO WP 2-10)
    Marianne Ruidisch, Camila Gaviria, Bernd Huwe, Stefan Peiffer, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Impact of groundwater-surface water interactions on sediment biogeochemistry in an acidic mine lake (DFG BL563/15-1)
    Julia Beer, Christian Blodau, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Structurally optimized modeling of non-linear effects of meteorological extreme events on water and solute dynamics (DFG FOR 562 TP 4)
    Sven Frei, Jan Fleckenstein, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Impact of climate change on DOC and nitrate export for a forested catchment (LFU)
    Martin Reichert, Sven Frei, Stefan Strohmeier, Klaus-Holger Knorr, Jan Fleckenstein, Egbert Matzner, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Global climatic change and its effects on the export of nitrate and dissolved organic matter from forested watersheds (LfU 2009/2010)
    Martin Reichert, Egbert Matzner, Jan Fleckenstein, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Development and optimisation of a process to biosynthesize reactive iron mineral surfaces for Water treatment purposes (SURFTRAP)
    Susanta Paikaray, Christin Damian, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Optimisation of CO2 binding by reaction with alkaline residual materials through the ALCATRAP process (ALCATRAP)
    Markus Bauer, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Limitations of solute exports from a fen soil by substrate availability and transport processes (DFG FOR 562 TP 7)
    Christina Weyer, Gunnar Lischeid, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Coupling of iron and sulphur cycle - the linking process (FOR 580 PEI)
    Katrin Hellige, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Storage of CO2 and Generation of Alkalinity from Reaction of Alkaline Ashes with Flue Gas (BMBF (03G0614C))
    Martin Back, Martina Heider, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Molecular biological and chemical Characterisation, modelling and optimisation of an established biogas plant (Bayer. Forschungsstiftung (AZ: 593/03))
    Likke Likke, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Untersuchung der Mobilisierung/Immobilisierung von Arsen an einem Aquifermaterial unter dem Einfluss von Sickerwässern mit hohem DOC-Gehalt (LfU 2006)
    Markus Bauer, Stefan Peiffer, Michael Radke [Details]

  • In-situ Spannungen, Mikrotektonik und Gesteins-Fluid-Interaktionen in einem seismisch und hydrothermal aktiven Gebiet krustaler Dehnung (DFG (Pe438/9-1))
    Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Kopplung der Oxidation von reduzierten Schwefelverbindungen mit der Reduktion von Fe-Mineralen in anoxischen Sedimenten saurer Seen, Teilprojekt Geochemie (DFG Ku 1367/1)
    Winfrid Gade, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Durchführung von Säulenversuchen, Elutionen, Lysimeterversuchen und Stofftransportmodellierungen im Hinblick auf die Verfahrensoptimierung zur Sickerwasserprognose (Bayerisches Landesamt für Wasserwirtschaft (LfW))
    Wolfgang Durner, Luisa Hopp, Stefan Peiffer, Reimer Herrmann [Details]

  • Natural Attenuation - LCKW-Schadensfall Säureharzdeponie Birkach bei Kronach (STMLU Az. 86b-8786.0-2000/1)
    Silke Marczinek, Stefan Peiffer, Reimer Herrmann [Details]

  • Langzeitverhalten carbonhaltiger Gasdränschichten bei Durchströmung mit aggressiven Deponiegasen - Grundlagenuntersuchungen (BayFORREST F163)
    Stefan Peiffer, Peter Rothenhöfer, Reimer Herrmann [Details]

  • Investigations concerning mechanisms and kinetics of the inorganic sulfur-bonding in acidified forest soils and identification of the solid-phases of sulfur (BITÖK-S 9)
    Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Contribution of Redoxchemical Processes to the Neutralization of Atmospheric Acidification in Small Watersheds, Frankenwald (Northeast-Bavaria) (BITÖK-S 8)
    Jörg Lindemann, Stefan Peiffer, Reimer Herrmann [Details]

Projects from other divisions

  • The effect of iron(III)-sulfide interactions on electron transfer processes in anoxic aquifers (FOR 580 PEI/2)
    Moli Wan, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Wasserkreislauf (FORKLAN 3)
    Thomas Foken, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Pharmaceutical Transport in Agricultural Soils (TERRECO Cluster A-06)
    Jong Yol Park, Bernd Huwe, Stefan Peiffer, Yong Sik Ok, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • TP3 Influence of multiple stressors on N, C and Fe turnover in the hyporheic zone (AQUAKLIF_TP3)
    Robin Kaule, Silvia Parra Suárez, Stefan Peiffer, Ben Gilfedder [Details]

  • TP7 implementation and outreach activities (TP7 implementation and public relations)
    Katharina Blaurock, Birgit Thies, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

Completed Projects

  • Understanding natural carbon cycles and export dynamics in the Baverian Forest (GLASER-Stiftung und die PLETTNER-Stiftung)
    Stefan Peiffer, Luisa Hopp, Jan Fleckenstein, Ben Gilfedder [Details]

  • Isotopic N Exchange at Critical Landscape Interfaces (TERRECO Cluster H-01)
    Silvia Parra Suárez, Gerhard Gebauer, Stefan Peiffer, Egbert Matzner, Ji-Hyung Park [Details]

  • Water Sources, Flow Paths and Residence Time in a Forested Catchment of the East Asian Monsoon Region (TERRECO Cluster H-02)
    Jean-Lionel Payeur-Poirier, Luisa Hopp, Stefan Peiffer, Egbert Matzner, Ji-Hyung Park [Details]

  • Carbon and Nitrogen Turnover in Sediments of the Soyang Lake Reservoir (TERRECO Cluster H-03)
    Kiyong Kim, Stefan Peiffer, Klaus-Holger Knorr, Bomchul Kim, Bernd Huwe [Details]

  • Forest Type DOC/CON Dynamics and Exports (TERRECO Cluster F-04)
    Mi-Hee Lee, Egbert Matzner, Stefan Peiffer, Ji-Hyung Park [Details]

  • Stimulation the anaerobic oxidation of pyrite by activators at pH 7 in the presence of nitrate (FOR 580 PEI/1)
    Ruiwen Yan, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Redox processes along gradients (FOR 580 KNO)
    Zhiguo Yu, Stefan Peiffer, Klaus-Holger Knorr [Details]

  • Structurally optimized modeling of non-linear effects of meteorological extreme events on water and solute dynamics (DFG FOR 562 TP 4: (2008-2011))
    Sven Frei, Jan Fleckenstein, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • The Effect of Iron(III)-Sulfide Interactions on Electron Transfer Processes in Anoxic Aquifers (FOR 580 PEI)
    Katrin Hellige, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Scientific Support in Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Chemical Speciation Modelling, Coordination and Management (FOR 580 Z)
    Christian Schröder, Stefan Peiffer, Stefan Haderlein [Details]

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