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Lecture series in Ecology and Environmental Research SS 2014

Thursday 12:00-13:30 H6, Geo

10.04.2014Dr. Thorsten Haberzettl
Physical Geography, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Paleoenvironmental change on the roof of the world [Abstract]
24.04.2014Dr. Andreas Hemp
Department of Plant Systematics, UBT
Kilimanjaro - Berg der Gegensätze [Abstract]
08.05.2014Dr. Carsten Neßhöver
Conservation Biology / Science-Policy Expert Group, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
The science-policy-interface on biodiversity and ecosystem services - national to global challenges [Abstract]
15.05.2014Prof. Dr. Katja Tielbörger
Plant Ecology, Institute of Evolution and Ecology, Universität Tübingen
Plants on the move - the miracle of invasion [Abstract]
22.05.2014Prof. Dr. Richard Münch
Soziologie II, Universität Bamberg
Wissenschaft im Wettbewerb um Exzellenz: Vom homo academicus zum homo oeconomicus? [Abstract]
05.06.2014Dr. Brendan Choat
Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, University of Western Sydney, Australia
The resilience of forests to drought: applying organism scale physiology to global processes. [Abstract]
26.06.2014Prof. Dr. Christian Laforsch
Tierökologie I, Universität Bayreuth
Kunststoffpartikel in aquatischen Ökosystemen [Abstract]
03.07.2014PD Dr. Johannes Lenhard
Department of Philosophy, Bielefeld University
Calculated Surprises: On the Philosophy of Computer Simulation [Abstract]
10.07.2014Dr. Trung Thanh Nguyen
Ecological Services, BayCEER, UBT
Gains and Losses in Ecosystem Services: Tradeoff Perspective versus Efficiency Perspective [Abstract]

The BayCEER Colloquium serves as an interdisciplinary platform for students, academics and interested citizens: during the lecture period, guests and members of BayCEER give insights into their research, which can then be discussed in plenary and in a relaxed atmosphere during the post-colloquium.

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