Spatial assessment of atmosphere-ecosystem exchanges via micrometeorological measurements, footprint modelling and mesoscale simulations (TERRECO WP 1-02) Peng Zhao, Johannes Lüers, Thomas Foken, John Tenhunen
Exchange processes in mountainous regions; Turbulence and stand-scale modelling (DFG Fo 226/21-1) Andrei Serafimovich, Jörg Hübner, Fabian Eder, Thomas Foken
Mesoscale circulations and energy and Gas exchange over the Tibetan Plateau (DFG Fo 226/18-1,2 (SPP 1372)) Tobias Biermann, Wolfgang Babel, Tobias Gerken, Degang Zhou, Johannes Olesch, Jürgen Leonbacher, Kathrin Fuchs, Thomas Foken, Hans-F. Graf, Yaoming Ma, Kun Yang
Ground based observations of radiative and convective fluxes and soil moisture over the Plateau at a limited but representative set of permanent sites (CEOP-AEGIS) Wolfgang Babel, Tobias Biermann, Thomas Foken
Untersuchung der Veränderung der Konzentration von Luftbeimengungen und Treibhausgasen im Fichtelgebirge (Oberfrankenstiftung 01879) Barbara Grasse, Thomas Foken, Johannes Lüers
The Effect of Land-Surface Heterogeneity on the Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Structure and Measurements (DFG Fo 226/20-1) Doojdao Charuchittipan, Thomas Foken
Energy balance measurements during COPS (Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study), turbulent fluxes and thermal convection in a valley (COPS (SPP 1167), DFG Fo 226/19-1 (SPP 1167), 226/23-1) Rafael Eigenmann, Björn Brötz, Thomas Foken, Volkmar Wirth, Norbert Kalthoff
Systematization of footprint models for practical applications (BaCaTEC (Georgia)) Thomas Foken
Turbulence and stand scale modelling (DFG Fo 226/16-1) Andrei Serafimovich, Katharina Köck (Staudt), Lukas Siebicke, Johannes Lüers, Johannes Olesch, Tobias Biermann, Tobias Gerken, Martina Hunner, Michael Riederer, Friederike Rütz, Stephanie Dix (Schier), Jens-Christopher Mayer, Georg Jocher, Christoph Thieme, Thomas Foken
Modelling the energy exchange between the atmosphere and forests (BaCaTeC) Katharina Köck (Staudt), Thomas Foken
Footprint model developement and validation for homogeneous and inhomogeneous terrain using high resolution large eddy simulation (DFG Fo 226/10-1,2) Tiina Markkanen, Thomas Foken
Climate Change in Bavaria (LfU) Benjamin Wolf, Thomas Foken, Carl Beierkuhnlein
Klimawandel in Bayern - Auswirkungen und Anpassungsmaßnahmen - (Klimastudie Bayern) Carl Beierkuhnlein, Thomas Foken, Martin Alt, Andreas Gohlke, Thomas Gollan, Nadine Schmid, Ralf Schüpferling, Reinhold Stahlmann, Stephanie Thomas, Benjamin Wolf, Carl Beierkuhnlein
Direct measurements of turbulent fluxes in the near surface environment at high latitudes applying the eddy-covariance method - The Arctic Turbulence Experiment 2006 (ARCTEX-2006) at Ny-Ålesund on Spitsbergen (Svalbard) (DFG Fo 226/11-1) Johannes Olesch, Thomas Foken, Johannes Lüers, Jörg Bareiss
Beitrag von Salpetriger Säure zur atmosphärischen OH-Konzentration (SALSA) Thomas Foken, Johannes Lüers, Jens-Christopher Mayer, Silke Oldenburg, Katharina Köck (Staudt), Johannes Olesch, Michael Kortner
QA/QC for Carbon Dioxide Flux Measurements (CARBOEUROPE-IP) Mathias Göckede, Matthias Mauder, Florian Wimmer, Thomas Foken
Einflüsse kohärenter Strukturen auf den Energie- und Stoffaustausch in hohen Beständen (BITÖK-A6) Christoph Thomas, Jens-Christopher Mayer, Thomas Foken
Klimatologie und Deposition von Luftschadstoffen im Fichtelgebirge (BITÖK-A3) Johannes Lüers, Otto Klemm, Johannes Olesch, Jörg Gerchau, Thomas Foken
Messung turbulenter Flüsse von Kohlendioxid und stabilem Kohlenstoffisotop 13 über Pflanzenbeständen mit Hilfe der Relaxed Eddy Accumulation-Methode (BITÖK-A7) Johannes Ruppert, Joel Schröter, Theresa Bertolini, Thomas Foken
Regional Evaporation at Grid/Pixel Scale over Heterogeneous Land Surfaces (EVA_GRIPS (BMBF 01LD0103-UBT)) Matthias Mauder, Claudia Liebethal, Mathias Göckede, Daniela Kracher, Florian Wimmer, Thomas Foken
Vertical Transports of Energy and Trace Gases at Anchor Stations and Their Spatial and Temporal Extrapolation under Complex Natural, Conditions (VERTIKO-UBT1 (BMBF 07 ATF 37 UBT1)) Mathias Göckede, Claudia Liebethal, Matthias Mauder, Thomas Foken
Untersuchung des Kohlenstoff- und Energieaustausches in europäischen terrestrischen Ökosystemen (CARBOEUROFLUX) (CARBOEUROFLUX (EC ENVK2-1999-00229)) Mathias Göckede, Corinna Rebmann, Thomas Foken
Energy Balance Experiment 2000, EBEX (EBEX) Thomas Foken, Claudia Liebethal, Matthias Mauder
Random Walk Models for the Footprint Problem in the Turbulent Atmosphere (INTAS (EC INTAS-99-1501)) Mathias Göckede, Thomas Foken
Projects from other divisions
Investigation of carbon turnover in grassland sites in Northern Bavarian low mountain ranges under extreme climate conditions (FORKAST_05) Michael Riederer, Thomas Foken, Yakov Kuzyakov
Wasserkreislauf (FORKLAN 3) Thomas Foken, Stefan Peiffer
Time scales, scalar similarity and thermally-induced secondary circulations: Implications for the analysis of turbulent flux measurements and for the parameterisation of turbulent fluxes in atmospheric models (WP 4) Doojdao Charuchittipan, Thomas Foken
Completed Projects
Lufthygienisch-Bioklimatische Kennzeichnung des oberen Egertales (StMLU 111450) Cornelia Gerwig (Klör), Claudia Liebethal, Matthias Mauder, Johannes Ruppert, Monika Soldner, Christoph Thomas, Thomas Foken
The influence of leaf wetness on the depostion velocity of water soluble gases (BITÖK-A 3) Thomas Foken, Otto Klemm
Meteorology and air pollution in the Fichtelgebirge (BITÖK-A 5) Jörg Gerchau, Thomas Foken, Otto Klemm
The stable carbon isotope 13C and its pools in and flows between soil, vegetation, and atmosphere in different plant communities of the Fichtelgebirge (BITÖK-A 7) Nina Buchmann, Johannes Ruppert, Bodo Wichura, Thomas Foken
Strukturanalyse der atmosphärischen Turbulenz mittels Wavelet-Verfahren zur Bestimmung von Austauschprozessen über dem antarktischen Schelfeis (DFG Fo 226/2) Georg Heinz, Thomas Foken
Meteorological influences on the wind enery use in hilly regions (GACR 105/98/1472) Matthias Hierteis, Thomas Foken
Experimental investigations of the energy balance at the earth surface (436 RUS 113/195) Thomas Foken