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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Micrometeorology - Prof. Christoph Thomas

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Courses taught

SS 2018
28175 Lecture: Meteorology
We.: 08:15-09:45, H6
>> Details
Christoph Thomas, Wolfgang Babel
28351 Lecture: Advanced Micrometeorology: Exchange of carbon and energy at the air - vegetation - interface
Tu.: 14:15-15:45, S131 (NW III)
>> Details
Christoph Thomas
00550 Lecture/Exercise course: Transport Systems: Links and Fluxes of Energy and Matter between Atmosphere, Pedospere and Biosphere (GCE:A6)
We.: 10:15-11:45, S 21 (GEO); Field lab (Waldstein-Weidenbrunnen site in the Fichtelgebirge, 1 day
>> Details
Wolfgang Babel, Dennis Ochuodho Otieno, Andrea Carminati, Andreas Kolb
28004 Seminar: Seminar for Micrometeorology and Atmospheric Chemistry
Mo.: 16:15-17:45, S21
>> Details
Christoph Thomas, Wolfgang Babel
28350 Seminar: Fundamental equations of environmental physics
Mo.: 14:00-16:00, S23, GEO
>> Details
Michael Hauhs, Christoph Thomas, Sven Frei
28352 Seminar/Excursion: Experimental micrometeorology: From design to interpretation of land surface exchange measurements, field course
2018-08-26-2018-09-07 (several days), near Schleswig, Germany
>> Details
Christoph Thomas, Wolfgang Babel, Johannes Olesch
28180 Practical course: Physikalische Feldmethoden
Tu.: 08:00-10:00; Tu.: 10:00-17:00, S24b (großer CiP-pool); Tu.: 08:00-17:00, Messfeld im ÖBG
>> Details
Wolfgang Babel, Christoph Thomas, Sven Frei, Klaus Bitzer, Christina Bogner, Andrea Carminati, Mohsen Zare, Oliver Archner, Stefan Holzheu, Johanna Pausch
28181 Practical course: Standortkundliche Feldmethoden
Fr.: 08:00-17:00, im Gelände
>> Details
Ben Gilfedder, Wolfgang Babel, Christoph Thomas, Anke Jentsch, Klaus-Martin Moldenhauer, Ludwig Zöller, Klaus Bitzer, Alexander Guhr, Bernd Berauer, Andreas v. Heßberg, Samuel Hoffmann
00043 Exercise course: Exercises: Meteorology
We.: 14:15-15:45, S25 (5 Übungen tba); We.: 16:15-17:45, S23 (5 Übungen tba)
>> Details
Wolfgang Babel
00314 Exercise course: Working on large data sets with R
Mo.: 08:15-09:45, S24b (7 sessions)
>> Details
Wolfgang Babel, Lena Pfister
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